Saturday, December 6, 2008

Word Parts - Prefixes (Part 1)

If you read the blog post from December 5th, you saw that fun fact about the four most common prefixes accounting for 97% of prefixed words in written school English. These next few blog posts will focus on those prefixes, their meanings, and how that can help you understand the meanings better.

Prefix: dis-
Meaning: not, opposite of
Examples: disagree, dislocate, discomfort, displace, disprove

Visit this website to learn more about words that use the prefix "dis-" and then return here to say whether you knew all of the words already or if you learned something new!


Anonymous said...

Well I only knew 4 out of 10 which goes to show I need to study my prefixes a little more.

Aneilia Persad

Anonymous said...

The first time I went through the quiz, the definition was first, followed by the term. I had trouble guessing the words!

Then I noticed that I could select the word first, which helped me. Also, to review I selected side by side, term and definition.

Anonymous said...

I have trouble with this two words(dismal and disposable) so,I look -up the meaning in the dictionary.

Anonymous said...

Prefixes parts 1
I did very well in the prefixes part 1.

Chris Nieto said...

I got 6 out of 10, so i did learn and also refreshen my memory of some words.

Anonymous said...

I never before heard about the word Dismal as a prefix.
Its meaning was no good, dreary
October 21, 209

Roxana Alvarez