Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Word Parts - Prefixes (Part 3)

Here's the next important prefix to know!

Prefix: un-
Meaning: not
Examples: unfriendly, uncooked, unused, untie

Visit this website to learn more about words that use the prefix "un-" and then return here to say whether you knew all of the words already or if you learned something new!



Anonymous said...

Mirlene- Prefixes part 3
I had an A- because I made a mistake in undecided I wrote it like that undicided.

Anonymous said...

I was not quite clear on this blog.

Sheila W.

Anonymous said...

I like Quizlet. It was very challenging. I liked that I could start over and it would add new words as well as repeat some. I noticed that you can check a box on the top of the screen to show the term first or show both sides. It was a difficult game.

Anonymous said...

I went over the ten words with the prefix un, and I knew them all.

Richard A.

Anonymous said...

I did not learn anything new. I already know all ten words and their meaning.

Leonie Florestal

Anonymous said...

I did went over the prefixes un and I understand it.

Dorothea M.