Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Word Parts - Prefixes (Part 4)

Do you recall that the four most common prefixes account for 97% of the prefixed words in written school English? Here's the last prefix of those top four. I bet this is one that you've seen quite often.

Prefix: re-
Meaning: again, once more
Examples: redo, refresh, rerun, reuse, rewrite

For more words using this particular prefix, click on this link: Then, come back here and post the word that you were least familiar with. Visit an online dictionary site to find that word's definition and share it with the group. (Here's a link to an online dictionary that you might want to use:


Anonymous said...

I picked regain. Using Merriam-Webster, I went to the visual thesarus which was very helpful:

Regain ~ find, recover, retrieve.

Anonymous said...

redouble, To make twice as great in size or amount.

Richard A.

Anonymous said...

I choose the word reenter,which is a verb.which means to enter something again.

Sheila W.

Anonymous said...

reclaim-claim or demand the return or restoration of

Anonymous said...

reinvent:to make as if for the time something already invented.

Dorothea M.

Anonymous said...

Recharge:to charge again,to retore a new the active material in (a storge battery)

Anonymous said...

Rebound = To spring back on or as if on collision or impact with another body