A | B |
bene- | good |
circum- | around |
contra- | opposed |
equi- | equal |
extra- | outside |
hemi- | half |
hyper- | over, above |
inter- | between, among |
intra- | within |
intro- | into |
mal- | bad |
mid- | halfway |
mis- | wrong |
non- | not |
pre- | before |
retro- | backward, behind |
sub- | under, below |
Which prefix shown above are you least familiar with? Which one are you most familiar with? Can you tell me a word or two that uses any of the prefixes shown above?
(That list above came from here.)
I am least familiar with 'mal-' meaning bad.
I am most familiar with 'pre-' meaning before.
malevolent adj. ill will, spite, hatred.
malignant adj. tending to produce death or deterioration.
malice n. desire to cause pain, injury, or distress.
Most of these prefixes are familiar to me, some are medical terms like:
hemi plegia = paralysis on one side of the body.
mal= A Mal Practice doctor indicted because of negligience.
Most of them were familier but extra-outside was new to me.
I am not familiar with all of them
The one I am more familiar with is pre- that is before.
The least I am familiar with is Bene- that is good.
I am least familiar with the word hemi.
I am most familiar with the word mal.
Circum- circumstance noun,meaning a condition fact or event.
Mis- misundersting noun, a failure to understand.
Sheila W.
I am least familiar with -bene meaning good.
I most familiar with pre meaning before.
Dorothea M
I am not familiar with some of the prefixes like"retro" & "contra". But some of the other ones you use alot,like "sub" for subcontractor & "mis" for misunderstood. Richard A.
I thought I could get all of these right,but this one was hard.The one I am least familiar with is intra.The one I am most familiar with is sub.Like substitute or subteranian.
I am least familiar with hemi and I am most familiar with pre.
Geraldine G.
I am familiar with the using, and meaning of mis,which means wrong.
Like for instances using the word misbehave nowing that you have behaved wrongly. Also the word misunderstood,also meaning wrongly understood. So, for me I am working with prefixes and, understanding their meanings.
April S.
I'm most familiar with sub that means "under", and a word with that prefix is subway.
I'm least familiar with "mis" (wrong). Misunderstanding, mistake...now I get it!
Pre-calculus, extraordinary, hemisphere.
Rosa M. Fernandez
Most femiliar to me were: mis, circum, non, pre, retro, and sub.
Least fimiliar were: contra, hyper, inter, intra, mal, and mid.
Words I can connect together are: (bene)fits, (equi)valent, (intro)duction, and (pre)vent.
Prefix least familiar with is: intro
word - introduction
Prefix most familiar with is: pre
word -predominant
Karla Banton
Hemi - means half
Hemicycle means a half circle, a semi-circular room or wall, etc.
Retro - means backward or behind
Retrolental means situated behind the lens of the eye.
Dedidra W
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