Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Writing - Idioms (Part 5)

Our next goal is to explore idioms that relate to money. This should be a fun one!

Money idioms: http://www.idiomconnection.com/money.html#B

There are a lot of them there, but it's well worth the time to review each one! Once you do that, try the money idiom quiz (found here: http://www.idiomconnection.com/money.html#BQ).

Come back to the blog, share your favorite money idiom, the meaning of it, and the results of your quiz!



Anonymous said...

My favourite money idiom is the almighty dollar.

MEANING:Money when it is viewed as more important than any thing else.

As for the money idoms I got 10 out of 10.

Sheila W.

Anonymous said...

I like check idiom.
rain check - A promise to repeat an invitation at a later date.

I got 8 check idiom.


Anonymous said...

My favorite money idiom is:
pennies from heaven
- money that you do not expect to get

I got 28 or of 30 on the quize.

Abbey P.

Anonymous said...

My mother always said" A penny saved is a penny earned".
My ex-husband said" money is a root of all evil".But, for me "Money Talks",
money gives one the power to get or do what ever he or she wants.

Anonymous said...

Pinch pennies is a money idiom that I use. It means to be careful with money, to be thrifty.

I missed only one idiom on the test.

Anonymous said...

My favorite money idiom is 'for a song'.
Meaning: at low price or cheaply.

I got 27 out of 30 for the money idioms.

Leonie Florestal

Anonymous said...

My favourite money idiom is red cent.
-a small sum of money.

On the quiz I got 18 right.

Dorothea M.

Anonymous said...

Once I took the quiz it was fun to play and learn some new meannig to some one phrase ,the one I like the one about past as buck,mean to give money to another.tiffanyf

Anonymous said...

My favorite one was bread and butter. I used to work for a constructin company that the supervisors used to tell the drivers not to argue with the dispatcher because they provide your bread and butter every day.

Maria Rodriguez-Trelles

Anonymous said...

My favorite idiom just reminded me of my mom. She used to say when I was little "money doesn't grow on trees" because my sister and I always wanted everything from the store.
The meaning of it is money is valuable and should not be wasted. You have to work hard for it.
I got 21 out of 30 in the quiz.

Anonymous said...

I like the one that says, beyond one's means. Means more one can afford. Example, The young man was living beyond his means before he got his first job. I got 26 on the quiz. Verna B.

Anonymous said...

pinch a penny
I like all of my idiom they will help me when I am talking

Anonymous said...

Mirlene I mist only two on quiz

Anonymous said...

I like the idiom ante up which means to pay money. On the test I got three answers wrong.


Anonymous said...

The idiom for me is " tight the belt" because I don't have a job now.

I got 18 answers correct.

suetto chan

Anonymous said...

My favorite money idiom is "have the Midas touch".
Meaning: o have the ability to make money easily (King Midas turned everything that he touched into gold).

I got 25 out of 30.

Geraldine G.

Anonymous said...

I found the money idiom very interesting. My favorite money idiom is "gravy train". It means a job or some work that pays more than it is worth.
I got 28/30 for the money quiz.

Deidra W