A | B |
berate | "to criticize or scold harshly." |
estrange | "to drive away or alienate." |
euphoric | "very happy, overjoyed." |
impetuous | "impulsive, done in a hurry." |
infallible | "perfect,unable to make a mistake." |
maudlin | "overly emotional,tearfully sentimental." |
regress | "to go backward,to return to a worse condition." |
relinquish | "to yield or surrender." |
ubiquitous | "found or existing everywhere" |
zenith | "the highest point, the peak." |
(Words from http://www.quia.com/jg/527603list.html.)
Words I knew:
Infallible- Perfect, unable to make a mistake.
Regress- To go backward, to return to a worse condition.
Words I learned:
Maudlin- Overly emotional, tearfully sentimental.
Berate- To criticize or scold harshly.
Words I know
berate "to criticize or scold harshly."
estrange "to drive away or alienate."
Words I did not know
impetuous "implusive, done in a hurry.
ubiquitous "found or existing everywhere."
The two words I was familiar with are: relinquish which means to yield or surrender and also estrange meaning to drive away or alienate.
The two words that I learned were: regress which means to go backward, to return to a worse condition and impetuous meaning impulsive, done in a hurry.
Abbey P.
Words that I knew:
berate-to criticize or scold harshly.
estrange-to drive away or alienate.
Words that I don't know:
impetuous-impulsive, done in a hurry.
ubiquitous-found or existing everywhere.
Gitty M.
1-2 words I already know:
Relinquish - to yield or surrender
Estrange - to drive away or alienate
1-2 words I learned from the blog:
Zenith - the highest point, the peak
Ubiquitous - found or existing everywhere
Leonie Florestal
Words I learned:
berate-to criticize or scold harshly.
maudlin-overly emotional, tearfully sentimental.
Words I knew:
estrange- to drive away or alienate
infallible-perfect, unable to make a mistake
that lesson was posted in March 31, 2009. I like to vocabulary. Any time I searching words, I memorize one Like zenith the highest point you can reach in doing something.
The words I was familiar with are:
Euphoric- very happy, overjoyed.
Regress- to go backward,to return to a worse condition.
The words I was unfamiliar with are:
Impetuous- impulsive, done in a hurry.
Ubiquitous- found or existing everywhere.
Lia Muth
The words I was familiar with are:
Euphoric- very happy, overjoyed.
Regress- to go backward,to return to a worse condition.
The words I was unfamiliar with are:
Impetuous- impulsive, done in a hurry.
Ubiquitous- found or existing everywhere.
Lia Muth
Two words that I learned:
Ubiquitous- "found or existing everywhere".
Maudlin- "overly emotional, tearfully sentimental".
Two words that I knew:
Estrange- "to drive away or alineate".
Euphoric- "very happy, overjoyed".
Rosa M. Fernandez
I knew:
estrange - to drive away of alienate.
impetuous - impulsive, done in a hurry.
I didn't know:
maudlin - overly emotional, tearfully sentimental.
ubiquitous - found of existing everywhere.
Melissa Lobsinger
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