Monday, March 2, 2009

Writing - Commonly Confused Words

Past blog topics have focused on some commonly confused words, in particular, homonyms. Here's a great site that gives a list of these words.

Visit that site and look through the list. Then pick the set (or two) that you tend to get most confused. Come back to this blog and tell us those words, as well as the meanings for each. Challenge yourself to correctly use each of those words in a sentence!


Anonymous said...

I get most confused with loose and lose

Loose means "not tight".

Those jeans are loose on me.

Lose means "to be defeated or no longer have".

I can not lose weight with this carbohydrate diet.

Geraldine G.

Anonymous said...

I sometimes get confused with buy and by.

Buy means "to purchase"
Last week I buy myself a new dress.

By means "beside"
My son loved stay by himself.

Dorothea M

Anonymous said...

My confused words are:

Choose means select.
I am going to choose my evening dress today.

Chose means past of choose.
Last week I chose my evening dress.

Loose means not tight.
My shoes are loose on my feet.

Lose means to be defeated.
The Lakers lose the game on Sunday.


Anonymous said...

I get confused with the word

Choose, chose,

choose;to select example I will choose anew house.

chose;the past tense of choose.
yesterday I choose a new house.

Sheila W.

Anonymous said...

I always mix up the words are emigrate and immigrate.

emigrate: go away from one's country to another to settle there.

immigrate: come as a settler into another country.

emigrate: Tom emigrated from China to USA when he was ten years old.

immigrate: Tom immigrates in USA.

Anonymous said...

The two I get confused is its and it's

Its is a pronoun that uses possesion.

It's is short for it is.

It's sunny outside.

The house has its own ac unit.


Anonymous said...

This was very helpful. I found two pairs of words that I frequently get confused with.
1. Advice and advise: advice means to give an opinion about what should be done. Advise means to recommend.
A. Teenagers need good advice from their parents.
B. Please advise me on what to wear to the party.
2. Loose and lose: loose means not tight. Lose means to be defeated or no longer have.
A. My shoelaces are loose.
B. Her friend needs to lose some weight.

Anonymous said...

The ones that I difficulties with using them in writing are:

Complement = companion, counterpart

Compliment = praise, flattery

Maria Rodriguez - Trelles

Anonymous said...

When I was confused on what to wear for the party I asked my friend for advice.

The National Hurricane Center advised to evacuate the flood zone immediately.

Advice: Opinion on what should be done.

Advise: Recommend


NH said...

There a few homonyms that I accidentally spell wrong but am fully aware of the correct spelling to the meaning.

1) The ones I would get the spelling incorrectly, often, are:

*Accept - to receive
*Except - not including

*Than - in comparison with
*Then - next

*It's - it is
*Its -a pronoun that shows ownership/ possession


2) The only two I get the means confused or not even realize that it was a homonyms are:

*Stationary - standing still (which I didn't even know of)
*Stationery - writing materials

*Principal - the head of a school
*Principle - an important fact or law (these 2 I constantly get confused of which is which)

To be honest, reading often helped me realize the usage of most homonyms.

Anonymous said...

By means to side to .
Buy to purchase somthing .
We went to the store by the mall to buy some f

Anonymous said...

This words are confusing.
Emigrate means"to leave one country.
Immigrate means"to come to live in a new country.

Anonymous said...

Affect means "to influence".

An effect is "a result".

This word confuses me at times when I am really concentrating on what I am writing.

Abbey P.

Anonymous said...

I tend to get confused with: to, too, and two.

-To means "in the direction of".
-Too means "also".
-Two is a number.

1)To get to the school you have to take State road 7 to Sheridan Street.

2)I wasnt just Jim, I scored in the top ten too.

3)I found two pennies outsitde the store door.

-Bradley B.