libel | a statement that unfairly harms the reputation |
misgiving | worry, doubt |
oaf | a stupid person |
recede | retreat, back up |
repast | a meal, food |
adverse | unfavorable, negative |
arid | extremely dry |
assailant | attacker |
billow | a large wave, to rise |
confront | to meet face-to face |
constrain | to force, hold back |
contemporary | present-day |
depict | to portray, to represent |
disinterested | impartial, fair minded |
encompass | surround |
Which 1-2 words did you already know quite well? Post those words & definitions. Which 2-3 words did you not know too well? Post those words with the definitions & then write a sentence correctly using each one.
Contemporary: modern, current, up to date
Confront: tackle, face up to, meet
Depict: To show, to represent, describe, illustrate
The artist depicts mountain scenery.
Encompass: include, cover, take in
Her personality, encompass the truth about herself.
Maria Rodriguez-Trelles
Words I know:
confront-to meet face to face
constrain-to force,hold back
Words I didn't know:
oaf-a stupid person
arid-extremely dry
I don't want to be percieved as an oaf.
Words I already know:
Arid - extremely dry.
Billow - a large wave, to rise.
Words I did not know too well:
Oaf - a stupid person.
Repast - a meal, food.
Johnnie is an oaf, who gives a lot of silly jokes.
I will give up having a repast today.
Karla Banton
I was already familiar with the terms
--adverse:unfavorable, negative
--confront:to meet face-to-face
I learned the following terms
--libel:a statement that unfairly harms the reputation
--oaf: a stupid person
--The politician's campaign staff released waves of libels at the opposing candidate.
--The young man who beat his girlfriend up is an oaf and should spend some time in jail.
Words I knew quite well:
libel - a statement that unfairly harms the reputation
misgiving - worry, doubt
Words I did not know quite well:
repast - a meal, food
arid - extremely dry
The friends of the deceased, Linda Lockhart, joined her family at the CB Smith park for a repast.
The grass is very arid.
Leonie Florestal
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