Have you heard the term "alliteration" used before? Even if you haven't, I bet you're familiar with it or could recognize it. Take a look at the sentences & phrases below. Each is an example of alliteration.
Candace creates candy canes.
Stephanie sang so soulfully.
Trent's terrific trees
Always awesome alliteration
Wikipedia defines alliteration as a literary or rhetorical stylistic device that consists in repeating the same consonant sound at the beginning of several words in close succession. An example is the Mother Goose tongue-twister, "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers …".
Do you want to see some examples of poetry that use alliteration? Visit this link: http://library.thinkquest.org/J0112392/alliterationclassics.html.
Next, come back here & try writing a 2 or 3 word phrase that is an example of alliteration. (If you get stuck, you can "borrow one" from the poems that you see.)
Tiny Tierra tipped toed to the terrified toad.
Jimmy Joined John's jokes.
Let little liars lay low.
School, scholarship the scholar is shiny.
Marry Mathiew married Mario.
Chan carries chains.
Henry held Hanna's hand.
Suetto Chan
She sells seashell by the seashore.
Someone Sells Smelly
Soap Scents
Tyler Thinks Tator-Tots Taste Terrible
Many Men Marry Messy Mothers
Sheila W.
Sally saw Sam smoke slowley.
Willy wondered where Warren went.
Abbey's awesome art.
Tiffany's tiny turqouise toes.
Christina crisp crystal.
Abbey P.
peas Porridge pot.
Michael Matthew M&M melt more in your mouth.
Peterpan peanut butter.
Laura smiles warmly.
The cat ate hungrily.
The mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
Leonie Florestal
Tim touch the toad.
Teacher took the timetable.
Karla Banton
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