Thursday, June 11, 2009

Attitude and "The Power of One"

Getting the best from yourself and others all starts with one:
one thought … one word … one action.
"One" is the first note in orchestrating the personal attitude that shapes and directs your life – and impacts the members of your team/family. Contrary to the lyrics from a classic rock song, one is not the loneliest number. It’s the most important one!

Your thoughts, words, and actions are like individual notes that work in concert to create the power of one person – YOU – to make a difference. You can harness your "power of one" if you simply: Catch one negative thought and turn it into a positive one;

Think of one thing for which you are grateful at the beginning of each day;
Say one "Fantastic!" when a friend or team member asks how you are doing;
Assume the best in one upcoming situation;
Keep on moving one more time when you experience adversity;
Help one friend or colleague in a time of need – and take pride in it.

A single act can make a difference … it can create a ripple effect felt many miles and people away. So, ask yourself: What’s one thing I can do today that will make a positive difference in my attitude? Then DO IT!

Repeat that process every day and your life will improve – and so will the lives of the people you work with/live with/study with. Attitudes are truly powerful … and they’re contagious!

Please share one thought, word or action you will or already incorporate into your daily routine that will help you and why?

Today's thought/solution comes from:
Orchestrating Attitude
By Lee J. Colan


Anonymous said...

"The Power of One".When you think about it, all great speeches are given ONE word at time. The gracious model walks throu the catwalk, ONE step at a time and captivates the entire audience.As a casher, I interact with people all day long.Sometimes, one word from me can brighten or ruin someone's day. So I have to be very careful of my words. Often, all it takes is that ONE word that we wish we could take back. Remember, changes are made one person at a time.


Anonymous said...

Great job!


Anonymous said...

I walk one hour a day. It makes my health becomes better. One day, my neighbor saw me passed her door, she came out and walked with me.

Suetto Chan

Anonymous said...

"The Power of One".I would like to talk about the power of a smile. When you wake up in the morning with a smile in your face you not only feel great, but you also light up someone else day; it might
be your husband, your children, your boss, your patient,etc. A smile is contagious. When you give a smile you always receive one.You always have hope when you smile.Life is so short,smile to ease your stress.Every day say:Thanks GOD for the beautiful day and smile at each other.
Marie Phoebee Joseph

Anonymous said...

When I am at work, I develop a can do attitude. Dispite the obsticles of others attitudes and actions, I swallow my pride to make the right ethical and moral decisions.

Every waking morning I thank God for keeping my family and myself in good health and graces. And for blessing us to see another day.

Abbey P.

Anonymous said...

Because of my lifelong challenges with bipolar/depression as well as stuttering, I have chosen to have a positive attitude both personally and professionally. Most people who know me are not aware of the challenges I face on a daily basis. This is because of my positive attitude toward people and life in general.

Great topic, Lourdes!

Leonie Florestal

Anonymous said...

The of power one it is a powerful word what came to taught is the scripture in the bible where Jesus heal the man and others too, but this one particular man came back and tell Jesus thanks. It had so many things that Jesus but this scripture was written why? because it was and still is powerful. One person can make a difference in people life. So I am determining to make a differnce in my kids life by living through the word of God. Allison.

Anonymous said...

One is me, so let me wake up and do something positive in my daily life.

Anonymous said...

I found out that a possitive attitude is the most important thing to get ahead on everything you start.

Concentrate in what you decided to do. Without concentrating there is no focus. Focus on that assignment.
Think that you can do everything you set your mind to. Never quit. Finish what you started.

Anonymous said...

I found out that a possitive attitude is the most important thing to get ahead on everything you start.

Concentrate in what you decided to do. Without concentrating there is no focus. Focus on that assignment.
Think that you can do everything you set your mind to. Never quit. Finish what you started.

Mina Robles

Anonymous said...

One thing I do is say goodmorning to everyone with a happy tone and a smile.


Anonymous said...

Thought: Lord give me the strength to face another day.

This phrase gives me the assurance that I will go through the day no matter the obstacles.

Karla Banton

Anonymous said...

Attitude and "The Power of One"

With everything that is going in today, you have to get up in the morning and say to yourself, this is going to be a good day and something good is going to happen to me. Believe me it works!

Anonymous said...

Sandra H

I use to walk pass people at my place of employment only saying something to the people I know. Now I come in and say good morning to every person that i pass. Some say something and some don't. What matters is the one that says it which is me.