Let's work on some technology terms today! Visit this site (http://www.maran.com/dictionary/mgdiction2008.html) and click on any letter shown. You'll then see a list of terms that begin with that letter. Click on the word that you'd like to see the definition of, and then write that down. Do that for any 2 or 3 words (with any beginning letters you want to use). Come back here & share your words & definitions!
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Artificial Intelligence
Computer software that can mimic the way human beings think. At one time, computer scientists thought this would be easy, but they haven't quite got the hang of it yet. Instead, most computers still exhibit a fair degree of artificial stupidity.
External Drive
A device in its own box outside your computer case, such as an external modem, tape drive, or CD-ROM drive. external units cost more than internal ones, but they are more versatile , since you can easily move them to another computer.
Suetto Chan
I choose the letter "p".I got three words.Let me share them with you:
PRODIGY : An online information service you can dial up with your Modem for a monthly fee.Member
can exchange email, join discussion groups, and play computers games.It's best known as an electronic shopping mall where you can order products.EX.IBM and Sears.
PLOTTER: Large printer that generates high quality documents by moving ink pens over the surface of a page.It's useful for architects and engineers as they produce high quality blue prints, maps and floors plans.
PEER TO PEER NETWORK: An efficient way to connect less than 10 computers. In Peer to Peer Network
each computer can access the files stores on any other computer.The two popular are:Artisoft's LANAtastic and Microsoft Windows for Work groups
Marie Phoebee Joseph.
A two-step process for compressing and decompressing huge files.
Bezier Curve
An irregular curve you can create in a computer draw program.
A fancy name for a set of instructions like adding 2 and 2.
Leonie Florestal
Graph - A picture created from a set of numbers graphs can help you recognize trends that are not obvious in a simple list of numbers, popular graph types include line bar area and pie graphs. Also called a chart.
Grammar Checker - A program often included in word processors that improves the accuracy of a document. It checks your punctuation, grammar, and writing style and recommends a better way to phrase any incorrect sentences.
Memory capacity: The amount of information a computer can store in memory.
Modem A device that let computers communicate.
A way to arrange several windows on your screen so you can see the contents of each window. You can use tiling to place all your windows side by side, without overlapping them - kind of like shower tiles.
To enlarge or reduce the display of text or graphics on your screen. For example, you can zoom in to read small text or zoom out to view all the text on a page.
A beep, bop, or balooa from your computer to let you know (a) you just did something it really didn’t appreciate, or (b) your 3 o’clock should be waiting for you at reception.
Sheila W.
Jewel Box: The plastic case that CD-ROMs and music CDs come in. Just don’t try to keep your jewelry in one — it won’t fit.
Joy Stick: A device you can plug into your computer to control the movement of objects, such as a car or plane, in many games. Better control of objects on the screen makes games more realistic.
Zipped file: A file that has been squeezed down using PKZIP compression software. Files that are compressed travel faster between modems. To return the file to its original size, PKUNZIP decompression software is used.
-Judith B
Cluster-the smallest part of a disk used by a PC to store information. No matter how tiny a file is, it still takes up at least one cluster on your disk.
Cell-a box in a spreadsheet or table where you can enter information. Each cell in a spreadsheet has its own address, such as B3.
I chose the letter K
Three words : Keyword, Kiosk, Keyboard
Keyword - is a word you use to find a word or series of words in a document.
Keyboard - keyboard shortcut one or more keys you press to do a certain task instead of picking a menu option with your mouse. Kayboard shortcuts appear next to the commands in a menu.
Kiosk - a kiosk is a computerized information desk, it offers information interactively via computer screens.
Karla Banton
Quad-speed Drive:
A CD-ROM drive that reads information four times as fast as a single-speed CD-ROM drive. Quad-speed drives are more expensive than single- and double-speed drives, but the high speed results in better performance, especially when viewing multimedia presentations.
Zipped File:
A file that has been squeezed down using PKZIP compression software. Files that are compressed travel faster between modems. To return the file to its original size, PKUNZIP decompression software is used. See also COMPRESSION.
Squeezing computer files into less space. Compressed files are handy because you can transmit them to another PC in less time, or store them on your hard disk in less space. When you need a compressed file, you can expand it back to its original size. Two popular compression programs are: PKZIP and Stacker.
A collection of tools organized in their own window. Each tool is represented by a graphic. For example, in a paint program, you can select a tool from a pallette to draw wavy lines.
A shadow of an image that lingers when you move the image on your screen. This occurs on inexpensive portable computer screens.
A search tool on the internet that helps you find documents of interest. Veronica uses the word you specify to search gopher menus around the world.
D. Wilson
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