This week, I want to look back to some previous blog topics that have been covered because we've had a lot of really good topics! Use the link below & go back to the July 2008 topics. (They will be presented in reverse chronological order, meaning the last blog topic of that month is at the top of the page & the first one for that month will be at the bottom.)
Scroll through & find one topic that catches your interest. Read it & participate in it by adding your response. Then, come back here & tell me the date of the topic you selected, the blog topic title, and what you thought about it!
posted date: 7/3/08
topic:Usage-A Lot
I pick this topic because I use a lot "A-Lot".
I must try not to use it too many.
Suetto C.
July 14th
Vocabulary: use it or lose it
Impact: To press firmly together.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Usage - Who versus Whom
I picked that one because it is my birthday and because I never knew why whom was used instead of who.
-Judith B
July 2009,
The word absolute is not use to much, but its been used on time.
Date of Topic: July 30, 2008
Blog Title: Usage - Who Versus Whom
I found this topic very informative because I did not know the rule for using the word "whom".
The word whom must follow a preposition.
For example:
To whom would you like to speak?
For whom did that package arrive?
You want to stay away from ending a sentence with a preposition(such as the word to, from, or at.
Leonie Florestal
Thank you blog . I love it. Me and family enjoy lots.
Date of the topic was July 29,2008.
The blog topic and title was Writing Idioms.
I did not realize how widely use idioms are and how often we use these phrases without even thinking. Also the meanings are so true to life.
Karla Banton
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