This week I'd like to focus on some technology & Internet terms that you might hear (or see) used often. First, we'll start with the term "social networking."
According to Wikipedia's definition, "a social network service focuses on building online communities of people who share interests and/or activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. Most social network services are web based and provide a variety of ways for users to interact, such as e-mail and instant messaging services."
Some popular social networking sites are Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
While these can all be great ways to stay in touch with friends & family, as well as to make new contacts for school or work, it's important that people follow some safety tips when using these sites. Check out Microsoft's webpage about social networking safety.
Which of those 10 tips listed do you feel is most important?
While all the suggestions were very good and should be always followed the one that stood out to me the most was: Be selective about who you accept as a friend on a social network. This is very important for that reason as well as for stalkers, rapists, and other dangerous criminals because they can really track you and your whereabouts through your facebook or myspace.
-Judith B
I agree with Judith. What is also important - Use caution when clicking links and this will link to talking to your kids about social networking. The internet is good and bad. So be careful how you use it.
I think the tip about talking to your child about networking is very important because they are more vulnerable to offenders.
Karla Banton
It is hard to decide what is most important, however, I think talking with your kids about social networking is vital, as kids usually lack experience and could benefit from guidance as to what may be potentially dangerous or unsafe on the internet.
I found all of the ten points very good. However, the one that I find most important is to think twice before using social networking sites at work.
Leonie Florestal
I like these new sites Facebook, My Space, etc., I keep in touch with nieces and nephews who live far and I read about their lives in these pages. I also read about my kids friends and I find out what type of friends they have.
Just be careful what type of information you enter about your life.
Mina Robles
I was laughing the other day because one of my son's friends was writing to another: Do you think the "Ladie's Man" knows Jenny already? And the other one said: Who is the Ladie's Man"? And the answer was my son's name. And then he said: He is a Leonardo DiCaprio at school. It was a nice feeling to find out that the girls like him.
Mina Robles
To me it was important to follow the advise that if the site allows it, its better to make up your own password. Apparently, one of the ways that hackers use to break into finantial or other accounts is by checking the "Forgot your password?". If they can do that I figure it's not difficult for them to find out your maiden name, or where were you born, etc.
- Rosa
Sandra H.
As a parent, I would have to say talking to your kids about social networking is the most important tip to me. Kids are vulnerable. Its up to parents and guardians to educate them on what to do and not to do on the internet. It's frightening to know that people go online looking to prey on innocent kids.
The most important tips of safety where the number 3 Don't trust taht a message is really from who it says it's from. I didn't know the Hackers can break into accounts and send messages that look like they're from your friends.And also avoiding away e-mail addresses of your friends, do not allow social networking services to scan your e-mail book.
September 17, 2009
Roxana Alvarez
Use caution when you click links that you receive in messages from your friends on your social Web site. Treat links in messages on these sites as you would links in e-mail messages.
Not only can thinks cause really bad damage to your computer, they can open private information from your computer to those links, giving everything out.
Melissa Lobsinger
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