I read an article online recently about Merriam-Webster (yes, the dictionary people) and how they've added new words to their dictionaries. In fact, about 100 new words were added that largely reflect changing trends in American society.
Have you heard of the terms "frenemy" or "locavore" before? Those are 2 of the new words that were just added! (In case you're wondering, a "frenemy" is someone who acts like a friend but is really an enemy, and a " locavore" is one who eats foods grown locally.)
Check out the article for more information about this!
Use this link below to see some of the new words. Once there, pick a word you have not heard of before and click on it. You'll see the word and definition. (If you aren't sure how to pronounce the word, click on the little red megaphone icon to hear it stated. Be sure that your speakers are hooked up & turned on!) Then, come back here & post the word you picked and the definition of it.
Webisode: an episode especially of a show that may or may not have been televised but can be viewed at a web
the dark red mildly tart berry of a thorny chiefly Asian shrub that is typically dried and used in beverages.
Suetto C.
Green Collar, of, relating to, or involving actions for protecting the natural enviroment. Verna B.
Zip Line, a cable suspended above an incline to which a pulley and harness are attached for a rider. Verna B.
neuroprotective:serving to protect neurons from injury or degeneration
Dorothea M.
Cardioprotective: Serving to protect the heart.
usefruct : the legal right of using and enjoy the fruit or profit of...
Frenemy Someone who acts like a friend but is really an enemy.
Raggaeton - music that combines rap and caribbean rhythms.
Leonie Florestal
Goji: The dark red mildly tart berry of a thormy chiefly Asian shrub.
zip line: a cable suspended above an incline to which a pulley and harness are attached for a rider
-Judith B
A word I never heard before.
naproxen: an anagesic and antipyretic NSAID c14 h14 o3 often used in the form of it sodium salt.
Karla Banton
i will try acai just to know if it really works and do the miracles it says. thanks for the class. learn something new.
I will try acai. Definetly sounds good but I hope is not a gimmick like else. Thanks for the class, learn something new. Nilda Matias
Vlog: a blog with video material.
Lia Muth
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