Thursday, July 23, 2009

Writing - What do you find to be the hardest part?

When it comes to writing, what part do you find to be the most difficult? Try to be as specific as possible and I'll do my best to make sure that future blog topics deal with those things!


Anonymous said...

some of the past tense and when can I use should and could.

Anonymous said...

I like writing, but the most difficult part for me is the introduction. Once I get past it the rest is easy.


Anonymous said...

For me, editing and proofreading is the hardest, because it all seems right even when it is not, so maybe some tips on how to correctly review what we have written.


Anonymous said...

I like writing but I get a little confuse on how to use: would, should, might. I think it is mportant that we take the effort to write something, and try our best to express ourselves.

Mina Robles

Anonymous said...

I would like to have more knowledge of the Enlish language, so I can write more. I am always afraid that people would not understand what I want to say, and that stops me from writing. I wish that we had rules about writing which I could follow.

Mina Robles

Anonymous said...

Writing for me is getting started, and knowing when to use the past tense instead of the present tense.

Also using one word to replace more than one word, and where and when to put puntuation marks.

write now I have an eassy to write for my Instructor,and it so hard to start.


Anonymous said...

The hardest part of writing for me is the introduction. It takes me a while to get a letter started the way I really want to.

Lia Muth

Anonymous said...

I like writting letters and notes too people, but it is hard when you
use the word "and" when tring too join two sentences together. It is hard too me tring too write a sentence than using "and" an a coma, too join the sentences.

Anonymous said...

The hardest part for me is using the right words to start a letter and the right puntuation in the introduction.
April S.

Anonymous said...

The most difficult part for me is to put my ideas in order when I write. I don't like writing at all, but I enjoy reading.

Rosa M. Fernandez