I love finding new websites that have helpful things and this one, SpellingCity.com, is very neat! Check out this part (http://www.spellingcity.com/view-spelling-list.html?listId=1044081). There you will find some "sound alike" words (also known as homonyms or homophones). View the list of 37 sound alike words. (If you don't know the meaning of some of them, be sure to visit an online dictionary like M-W.com to look them up!)
Tell me the"sound alike" words that you found most interesting & explain what they mean.
I found #19 (mall) and #20 (maul) to be interesting. The first one (mall) is a place where you'd go to shop. The second one (maul) means to be bitten or attacked by something (like a dog).
Now it's your turn!
I found Lean and Lien to be interesting.
#7 Lean - To rely for support or inspiration.
#8 Lien - A charge upon real or personal property for the satifaction of some debt or duty ordinally arising by operation of law.
I found #15(allusion) and #16
(elusion) to be interesting. The first(allusion)is an implied or indirect reference especially in literature and the second(elusion) is an act of eluding.
Leonie Florestal
The two words I selected were:
Leak:to let a substance or light in or out through an opening
Leek: a biennial garden herb
Karat & Carat ... at first i wasn't sure what the difference was between the two but now i understand .. and Carrot.
Karat - refers to the pureness of gold.
Carat - refers to the unit of weight of stones & gems.
Carrot - the vegetable.
Melissa Lobsinger
I found # 34 (Real)and # 35 (Reel)to be interesting the sound of the words are alike.
- Real: physically existing, existing as fact.
- Reel: revolving storage device, a usually revolving wheel-shaped device around which something such as thread, film or wire can be wound for storage.
I found Aid and Aide to be interesting.
# 11 Aid: give help to somebody or something.
# 12 Aide: an assistant to somebody in public office or to somebody providing a professional service, who may also offer advice.
Roxana A.
August 24, 2009 3:35 pm
I found heard and herd to be interesting.
heard - means - the act of listening. The word is written in tha past tense.
herd - refers to cattle.
Karla Banton
"Aid" means help, and "aide" is an assistant. So basically they have the same meaning.
"Air" is the earth's atmosphere and "heir" is one who inherits property.
"Cocoa" is a powder made from cocoa seed. And "coco" is the name of the coconut palm.
Rosa F.
I found #1 (adverse) and #2 (averse) to be the the most interesting. The first one (adverse) is defined as acting against or in a contrary direction. While, the second one (averse) means to have an active feeling of repungnance or distaste.
#1 Adverse-unfavorable or antagonistic in purpose or effect.
#2 Averse-having a strong feeling of opposition, antipathy, repugnance, etc
These two words were interesting to me.
Abbey P.
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