You may have heard of the Oxford dictionary. Their website has an area about better writing and has a great section that we'll focus on today about abbreviations and acronyms, especially those that you may see when doing text messaging.
*** Before going on, it's important to note that these abbreviations and acronyms are not appropriate for most writing that you'll do! This blog post is more of a "for your information" type so that you can be aware of what these items mean! ***
Visit this site ( and look over the first part about abbreviations. Then, come back to this blog & tell me what new abbreviations did you learn (and don't forget to include what they mean too!).
This blog is wonderful since I never did a text message before, but now I can see how the kids do it, for me all of them are news, but I pick some of them:
ATB all the best
BFN bye for now
BTW by the way
F2T free to talk
HAND have a nice day
H8 hate
IMO in my opinion
PLS please
December 01, 2009
Roxana Alvarez
Some of the abbreviations that are new to me are:
BCNU: Be seeing you.
F2T: Free to talk.
HAND: Have a nice day.
RUOK: Are you okay?
SIT: Stay in touch.
PCM: Please call me.
Deidra W.
I loved this blog. However, I picked out the ones the I already know because do many of them are new to me! Here are the ones I already know.
LOL-laugh out loud
LOL- Lots of Luck (new to me)
2-to, too
I get alot of emails and text from friends and sometimes I have no clue what they are saying. This is really a big help. I need this dictionary!
Most of these abbreviations are new. It is easier for me to mention those that I know:
@ - at, ATL - all the best, B4 - before, CU - see you, PCM - Please call me, wknd - weekend, 4 - for.
The other abbreviations are all new to me.
This blog was great! There were a few abbreviations that I was familiar with. Those are:
TTYL-talk to you later
2-to, too
Here are a couple I was unfamiliar with:
CUL8R-see you later
HTH-hope this helps
KWIM-know what I mean
SIT-stay in touch
I can definatly say I learned something new today. Thank you for this post.
Lia Muth
To me, most of those abbriviations are new.I don't really text and that is why they are new to me. But some of them I found interesting.
F2F =face to face
HAND = have a nice day
OIC = Oh I see
TX = thanks
B4 = before
PLS = please
HTH.......hope this helps
LOL.......lots of luck should I know
PCM.......please call me
I sometimes have to call my daughter and ask her to interpret a text for me. This will help me.
Wow that was such an interesting article. I am not text literate, so that was an eye opener for me. Here are some of the text abbreviations that I picked out.
JIC - just in case
IMO - in my opinion
GAL - get a life
OIC - oh I see
BFN - bye for now
ATB - all the best
MYOB -mind your own business
SIT - stay in touch
KWIM - know what I mean
BTW - by the way
Some of the new Abbreviations I learned are:
- AFAIK as far as I know
- AFK away from the keyboard
- ATB all the best
- BCNU be seeing you
- F2F face to face
- F2T free to talk SPK speak
- FWIW for what it's worth
- GAL get a life
- HAND have a nice day
- YMMV your mileage may vary (i.e. your experience may differ)
... there were a lot more I never knew.
Melissa Lobsinger
A lot of the abbreviations were new to me because I don't do this type of computer lingo, but here are the top five I found to be most interesting:
1. GAL-Get A Life
2. YMMV-Your Mileage May Vary.
3. SPK-Speak
4. OIC-Oh I See
5. HAND-Have A Nice Day.
This is a very interesting blog, because I do text message. In doing this I don't use abbreviations. I only abbreviate when I write letters by hand. I have used some of these abbreviations in my letters, but others are new to me for example:
PCM= Please call me(new one)
LOL= Laugh out loud
HAND= Have a nice day
ATB= All the best
SIT= stay in touch
April S.
This blog is great this will help me to learn about the abbreviations when texting.
BFN bye for now
BRB be right back
XLNT excellent
RUOK are you okay
H8 hate
2MORO tomorrow
Dorothea M
I was going to comment on another blog but I happen to scroll down too far and saw this one. It really interests me. I’m always on facebook and my friends use a lot of abbreviations and I don’t always know what they saying but this blog helped a lot.
JIC- just in case
KWIM- know what I mean
BFN- bye for now
ATB- all the best
HSIK- how should I know
F2F- face to face
CUL8R- see you later
BTW- by the way
I always thought BTW meant between
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