Look at the third point listed! It says "You are what you publish on the web (so be cautious of your image!)." Remember that your writing reflects you! Good writing skills, including correct capitalization, spelling, and punctuation, are so important and should never be overlooked!
Do you agree? If you were an employer and saw a potential employee who had massive amounts of misspellings and other grammatical problems on a social networking site, what would you think?
With the lingo on the computer, it's hard to tell if a person can actually spell or write sentences correctly. Everything is abbreviated or broken down into words that I don't even understand. So I think it's unfair to judge a person for their writing and spellings skills based on what you see on the computer. I would interview and test them to confirm whatever it is I am thinking regarding their skills.
Looking in this social network as a employeer, maybe I can find a potential employee with misspelling and other grammatical problems, this could be kind of dissapointment, but I would like first to confirm it is really that bad, also reading on his or her comments, I can see too what kind of person is, It can result is a person who know a lot about business or new technology, so we can judge before confirm it.
November 11, 2009
Roxana Alvarez
Sandra H
If I saw a lot of words spelled incorrectly on a potential employees page, it would bother me as an employer. I would have to test them to make sure they were capable of spelling.
I would think that employee doesn't really care about the job. They might be lazy and wouldn't want that in my buisness.
Melissa Lobsinger
If I were a potential employer, maybe I would call the person for an interview. The person could have been communicating in an informal manner using slang etc.
I would think that this person was not very intelligent, possibly in a rush, or simply careless. It doesn't appeal to me personally. Depending on the other information that I gather from their posts or comments, I may decide to give them an interview and test their knowledge one on one.
Lia Muth
I do not agree with an employer using the internet to reference a potential employee, because most sites that are social media sites are for friends and family. And often times when on those particular sites we use broken language and spelling; It’s away to stay close to each other. But I do understand that a lot of employers are viewing those sites. So, if the offer presents itself, making your page private may be the best decision you’ve ever made. Just watch your profile picture.
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