Monday, April 26, 2010


Did you know that you use prepositions all the time in your writing & speaking? According to Wikipedia, a preposition indicates a relation between things mentioned in a sentence. In English, the most used prepositions are "of", "to", "in", "for", and "on." (Wikipedia link)
Think about it! Without prepositions, you wouldn't be able to give you reader that exact picture that you want to paint for them.Test your preposition skills by playing this short 8-question game by going here:
Once you're on that site, click the "Play this game" box to start the activity. Once you're done, return to the blog & post your results by using complete, correctly-written sentences!


Anonymous said...

I played the game twice. First round I missed 4 and 4 correct. There is a mistake I found on this question, “Any such proposal would result _____ in a shift of pwoer from parliament to the government". It already has the answer “in” the question and power is misspelled. On my second try I missed 1 and 7 correct.

Maria C. Torres

Anonymous said...

I played the game twice and got 4 out of 8 questions right. My second try, I did much better and got 7 out of 8 right.

Cassandra Jones

Anonymous said...

They were eight questions, I did the game twice, because the first time my score was 5, the second time was seven of eight, not bad. The game made me realize the importance of prepositions and which one is the right to use in each sentence. Great exercise, thanks.

Roxana Alvarez

Anonymous said...

I received a score of six out of eight.
Learning Prepositions is not really new, its just one of those things we tend to forget about.
I like the fact that this game reminds you of how important they are.


CWillis said...

I missed one. In this game you had to really pay attention to what you were reading to make sure you used the correct word!

I like it

By: Angel Guerrazzi said...

I was feeling -a gloomy afternoon so I decided- take a trip -the mall. Upon entering the mall I heard a thumping sound that I shrugged -. I step -the escalator heading -thump, thump. "What is that?" I anixously asked myself. - - I jumped -the escalator and looked - - the directory. Corporate Office floor- said. Wrong floor I thought- myself. Now where is the esculator back -. I walked - and came - the realization that somthing was definitely wrong here. There was no people and no way -. "Help!", I yelled out. "Is anybody here?" No-one answered back. I ran back - the escalator I had come -. I jumped - and desperately tried -walk - - - the faster I move my feet -ward the faster the steps carried me back -. Suddenly...
I realize without the use of preposition, there's no clear connection in my story, only a dash.

Anonymous said...

I got one wrong. This game was more difficult for me then others. You had to concentrate on what you were readying to understand which was the correct answer.

Melissa Lobsinger

Anonymous said...

The game was fun. I had all questions right the first try. Very fun game. Verna B

Anonymous said...

I played the game one time and got a score 7/8. I only wanted to take it once but I thought it was really fun and educational.

Anonymous said...

I played the game and I got 6 out of 8.I liked the game alot.

Angela Richardson

Anonymous said...

After a week, I took the test again and got 6 correct out of 8. I should have scored 8 correct. It really helps to play again to refresh and practice.

Maria C. Torres


Anonymous said...

I played the game.I got 7 question right.

Angela Richardson

Anonymous said...

I played the game and got one wrong. I had to pause a while before selecting the correct preposition.

Verona H

Anonymous said...

I only had to play the game once. I received 8 out of 8 questions correct.

Mianta Durand