You may find that you want to use a contraction of words in your writing. Below is a short list of some common contractions. For a more complete list of contractions visit this site:
it is = it's
I am = I'm
they are = they're
do not = don't
does not = doesn't
would not = wouldn't
Some writing experts say that you should not use contractions in your formal writing. However, if you can use them correctly, you don't need to avoid them! Notice that all contractions need the apostrophe.
How well do you know your contractions? Try this Quia game to test your skills! Come back to the blog after you complete the game and write two sentences. First, tell us how you did. Next, correctly write two sentences using a contraction.
Quia game:
I did very well, I played all the games. I got all of them right.
I don't like going to the dentist.
We're watching my children play.
Cassandra Jones
I did great on the game, and it was a very interesting way to learn and remember all about "Contractions Words."
1.- They’re wonderful people.
2.- This Computer doesn’t work.
Roxana Alvarez
It took me a moment to understand the concept of the game, but eventually it clicked. I got all of them right.
1. I did not like this game. I didn't like this game.
2. She is very kind. She's very kind.
I'm very familiar with contractions. I was able match all the contractions.
English doesn't have to be difficult. You'll learn to get the hang of it. There's always certain tricks that help you out.
Melissa Lobsinger
I played the game and got all of them right.
The ice cream truck isn't coming today.
I don't like seafood.Yuck!
Angela Richardson
I was able to match all the contractions.
We're going to visit a friend in the Broward General Hospital.
It's fun to watch the sunset.
My son doesn't like to eat apples.
Verona H
I just finished playing and got all of them correct.
1. She's playing the game on
2. They're going to play now.
Maria C. Torres
I got all of the contractions right at the first try.
Isn't it the perfect day to go to the beach?
She's staying up late to finish her essay.
Mianta Durand
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