Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sheridan Technical Media Center

Have you visited our media center recently? It has so many things to offer. Please watch the movie below and share your thoughts to the following questions:

(Copy and Paste this link to your URL if it does not work)

Did you learn something new about our media center?
Does the media center offer more than books to check out? Please provide some examples.
List 4 things that you can do at the media center.


Anonymous said...

I have no idea what the media center was like befor the change, but I think it had great information over all. I like the idea that there where not only books to check out but dvd also to help you study.

Anonymous said...

I learned the media center has a lot of neat things. The media center is promoting playway books. Instead of checking out a bunch of CDs, you can just check out one play way book and download to your mp3. The Media center offers many interesting things such as, the study rooms, copy and fax machine, DVDs, and children books.

Maria C. Torres

Anonymous said...

The media center video gave me a lot of information about where the media center was located at and also what the media center offers .I love how the media center offers more then just books , you can checkout DVDs, Books on tap, also magazines. The most interesting thing to check out is the “play way” it holds a hole book on the mp3 player so you don’t have to check out a bunch of books on tape. You can also check out children’s books not just for you but any one. There are a lot of things you are allowed to do at the media center; they have printers, scanners and a fax machine. If you don’t have time to go to the media center and you really need to look up a book the media center has their own web page to look up books on their catalog. All an all I cant wait to go the media center to check out books and movies .

nicole cunningham

Anonymous said...

I always appreciated the media center and am happy to learn about the wonderful renovations. I think the additions made are a much needed improvement and students will learn more efficiently.

Anonymous said...

The Media Center offers DVDs, CDs, books for children, and magazines for the courses offered. Students are able to use the computer; print 20 pages in black and white and five in color on a daily basis; get assistance to to prepare resume; and use the study room.

Verona H

Anonymous said...

Another important thing I learned about the library is the hours. The library is open M-F, 8a.m to 3:30p.m. Wednesday and Friday has extended hours until 8:00p.m. Also, the media center has an online page and catalog.If you are looking for a book, you can search it before you go to the media center.

Maria C. Torres

CWillis said...

I love the Media Center. It has so much to offer. I appreciate being able to go there and study for the Mous training because of the quietness and no distractions. You have access to printers, computers, books, and DVDs. I also appreciate the assistanc of the staff when I run into computer issues when I'm there. The willingness of the staff to assist is excellent. I also like the extended hours of the Media Center.

Anonymous said...

Well I go to the media center sometimes. So some of the facts that was listed in the video I already knew about.BUt there were a few that I didn't know about.For instance I never knew about playway books.Thats was interesting.Secondly that the media have an online page and catalog.Also they have fax machines there. In conclusion if you want to copy up to 20 sheets.Great idea.

Angela Richardson

Anonymous said...

I visit the media center at least three times a week, I had no idea they have so much was to offer. What I'm most impressed about is that they offer a reading group once a month.

Angela B.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know about the media center. I think it is a fabulous place to go to study. It is a quiet place, and it has a lot of new resources such as the playway books, DVD's, audiobooks, and magazines. Another technical's resources that are available on the media center are the copy machine and the fax machine. We can reserve by appointment a study room. It will be quieter to do our homework.

Ana Maria Fernandez

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that you could check out dvds from the media.I am going to have to do that someday.Also they hace the study rooms that you can study in.Which comes in handy when there is alot of people in the media. Lastly you can take your pretest in microsoft office. Very excellent.

Angela Richardson