Monday, July 12, 2010

Goal Setting-Important Decision

Every once in a while we need to take an inventory of our life. Unfortunately, we are always so busy and find it hard to take time to reflect. Take a few minutes today and watch this short movie (3 minutes).

What did you think about it? Do you agree with the comparison of the land and mind? Did it make you think about some new or old goals you may have?

Please share your thoughts in 3-5 complete sentences.


Anonymous said...

I think the video was very enlightening and it gave me a whole new perspective on success and its definition. I learned that real success can take many forms and it all depends on the individual person. I also thought the comparison between land and mind was ideal for the movie.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the concept and do agree with the comparison of land and mind. The video simplifies what I thought to be so hard to obtain… success. We are the only ones obstructing ourselves of achieving success because, of fears and other negative things we plant in our minds. I enjoyed the entire video, but especially what he said at the ending; the most important decision I can make right now, is to plant my goal.

Maria C. Torres

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the video and I really liked how they compare land, and mind with each other. I also agree with the comparison to the fullest, and agree that whatever you plant in your mind will grow. It also made me go back and think about my minor goals and also my important goals as well. All and all the video was very motivating and to the point.

Nicole Cunningham

Anonymous said...

In the beginning of the video with the diffrent comparisons of people, I liked the way they compared their career gold's; I thought that was well put.

I did not agree with the comparison of land and the human mind, because land really does not have control over what is put on it, but a human mind has control over the choices we make in life.

Anonymous said...

I watched the video and I thought that was an interesting analogy, "land and the mind". It was a short video, but it had a powerful message. I totally agree with the video. I believe whatever you feed your mind, that will it harvest, whether good thoughts, bad thoughts, whether prosperity or failure. It is up to the individual to choose their path.

Angela B.

Anonymous said...

I think the comparison of land and mind was great and it made me think about that concept. You learn what you study and you grow what you plant. I love the concept. If you can learn it you can do it and become whatever it is you desire.

CWillis said...

I think the comparison of land and mind was great and it made me think about that concept. You learn what you study and you grow what you plant. I love the concept. If you can learn it you can do it and become whatever it is you desire.

Anonymous said...

The movie was very informative. I agree with the comparison of the land and mind. It made me stop to review my goals. Yes, the mind is a very powerful part of every individual.


Anonymous said...

I have seen this video time and time again. I even shared it with a couple of people just to get there take on it. I really enjoy watching this video. Sometimes we need to inform ourselves with positive messages as this video to help us get out of a rut and start making changes.

Maria C. Torres
August 6, 2010