Saturday, July 10, 2010

Relationship: Good Writing and Good Reading

Would you believe me if I told you that good writers are generally good readers too? So one way that you can improve your writing skills is to practice reading! Think about it this way: when you read something, no matter if it's a book, magazine article, or even a recipe, you're coming across important vocabulary words, seeing punctuation being used, and getting ideas that expand your mind!

You (or your children) may have heard the term SSR used before. SSR stands for sustained silent reading. Everyone, no matter what age they are, should do at least 20 minutes of sustained silent reading each day. This will improve your reading skills and your writing skills too! Would you believe that even comic strips or comic books (sometimes called "graphic novels") can be used for your daily SSR time!

Here are some links that you can use for your daily SSR time. These are some of the websites that I visit daily to read about different things.

People magazine (celebrity gossip)
Sun Sentinel (Broward/Dade/Palm Beach news)
CNN (National and world news)
The Weather Channel (Forecasts and climate information)

What have you read lately? In a few sentences, tell me about the last thing you read. Maybe it was a magazine article about a celebrity or maybe it was something in your online course.


Anonymous said...

The last thing I read was a chapter from a book I bought called LA Candy from Lauren Conrad. I read a chapter this morning and hopefully I will finish the book by the end of the week. This book is a fiction story that I find very interesting as the plot is quite intense.

Anonymous said...

The last thing I read was a newspaper called the "Miami Times", I read it once a week to keep abreast of what's going on in my community.

Angela B.

Anonymous said...

The last thing I read was one of the Doctors Post Operative Cataracts Instructions. It talked about the patients follow up appointments, how it is normal to have mild discomfort, scratchy sensations,sensitivity to light, and some tearing from the operated eye.


Anonymous said...

The last thing I read was the comics' section at
I love it because I learn a lot of new words and slangs. They help me to improve my writing.

Ana Maria Fernandez

CWillis said...

Lately I read Ebony Magazine. There was an article on Sade, the singer. She has been on hiatus for about 10 years and made a great come back. The article was very enlightening and interesting because Sade doesn't usually allow the public into her personal space.

Anonymous said...

The last article that I read was in the Sun Sentinel and the topic was about the new iphone4 and its flaws. The world was waiting all year long for the new iphone4 to come out. Consumer’s reports are saying that tests show a hardware defect is causing the new iphone4 to lose reception when it’s held a certain way. Apple came out with a cover for the iphone so it will solve the problem with the reception, so you can hold it any way you want. Some of the Apple consumers were happy with the cover case and don’t mind it, when others on the other hand have bias options about it and demand refunds.

Nicole Cunningham

Anonymous said...

Today I read a great article that was from online class. It was about time management. I really found it interesting because, it gives you tips on how to establish goals, how to prioritize, and how to keep organized. I learned by keeping things organized you have more time and less stress.

Maria C. Torres
August 6, 2010

Unknown said...

The last book I read is named "Recreating Your Self" by Neale Donald Walsch. The prat of the book I like when it say "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yoonder place, and it shall be impossible unto you."

Julissa Rodriguez