Saturday, July 10, 2010

Time Management

Imagine that you had a bank that credits your account each morning with $86,400, and carries over no balance from day to day. Every night it deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during that day. What would you do with such an account? Most likely you would make certain that you spent every cent every day.

Are you surprised that you have such a bank?

It is the time bank!

Every morning, the bank credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off, as lost, whatever you have failed to spend or invest wisely. It will not carry over a balance. It does not allow for an overdraft. Each day, it opens a new account in your name: each night it erases your balance. If you fail to use the day's deposits wisely, the loss is profound. If you can invest about 10 percent of this resource each day, for your online course you will receive major dividends in your teaching and learning stock.

There is no drawing against the "tomorrow". No matter how wonderful your time management skills are, you cannot get more than 86,400 seconds in a day. You must live each day on your daily deposit, and invest it wisely to get from it the utmost in health, happiness and success from your personal and professional life! The clock is ticking. Make the most of each online day as well!

How do you make the most of each online day? Share some of the techniques you use to keep you focused and organized in your class.


Anonymous said...

I keep organized in my online class by doing school work around my schedule. I think about what time during the day I am free to complete my work and then I write it down in my calender so I won't forget. I try to keep consistent and maintain the schedule I set for myself. This works well for me.

Anonymous said...

How I stay focused in my life, I prioritize what is the utmost important first. I take care what is the most important, urgent or timed. Everything else falls in the order of durability, within a certain time frame.

Angela B.

CWillis said...

I work better in the wee hours of the morning when no one else is awake. I usually start doing class work or VPI assignments around 11pm or 12am.. until whenever... maybe 3 or 4 am. Until I start working, I love this schedule.

Anonymous said...

My time management is simple and I make sure my important priorities come first. The type of person I am is that I have a routine and the main ones are school and my job. I work the best at night because I like to stay working and focused. When I am doing school work my environment has to be organized and quite. I feel that my time management would be better if I stayed on the same routine.

nicole cunningham

Anonymous said...

I try to stay focused by writing my assignments and posting them where I can see them. That way if I get distracted, I will have my assignments in a focal point and I will remember what has to be done.

Maria C. Torres
August 6,2010