Let's continue our exploration on idioms. Use the link below to access a website that talks about some medical idioms. Remember that an idiom is a phrase or saying that is not meant to be interpreted literally.
Have you ever heard the phrase "under the weather" stated by someone? Since that's a pretty common saying, I bet you already know that it means "not feeling well."
After you review the medical idioms on that page, try the short 10-question quiz that follows and check your answers! Then, return to the blog to tell us your favorite medical idiom, what it means, and how you did on the quiz.
Medical idioms: http://www.idiomconnection.com/medical.html#B
My favorite Medical Idiom was number seven, after eating the seafood at the small restaurant the man began to vomit. It means the man got very sick eating seafood.
I got all the questions correct.
I enjoyed reviewing the medical idioms and got all the questions correct. I learned new ones, but my old favorite is, "feel on top of the world".
Maria C. Torres
The idiom quiz was fun and awesome it was a great exercise as well. I got a couple wrong and did them over a few times until I got the hang of it. My favorite question was number four "Becoming run down" it’s my favorite because I can relate a lot too it.
Nicole Cunningham
I took the quiz and I did very well, I got all of the answers right. My favorite medical idiom is "just what the doctor order". It means to relax or be in a relaxed state.
Angela B.
My favorite medical idiom is 'feel on top of the world'. I got all the questions right.
My favorite medical idiomis on the mend.Which means to get better.
I got all of questions right.
Angela Richardson
I got them all correct. This exercise was fun. I found a few I thought was funny and I'd never heard them before.
1. breathe one's last - to die
2. counch doctor - psychoanalyst
3. hang out one's shingle- public notice of a business opening
I got all of them right.
My favorite idiom was just what the doctor ordered.
It means to just relax and chill.
Angela Richardson
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