In almost every position, good customer service is invaluable. Whether you are a doctor, teacher, attorney, administrative assistant, clerk, technology representative,construction, realator, hair dresser, sales associate and on and on.....customer service is key! Remember you may not work with outside customers but even your fellow co-workers should/can be considered customers.
Please read these valuable customer service "words" shared by Steve Ventura in the book Serve Right
The 10 important words to say:
I apologize for our (my) mistake. Let me make it right.
The 9 important words to say:
Thank you for your business. Please come back again.
The 8 important words to say:
I’m not sure, but I will find out.
The 7 important words to say:
What else can I do for you?
The 6 important words to say:
What is most convenient for you?
The 5 important words to say:
How may I serve you?
The 4 important words to say:
How did we (I) do?
The 3 important words to say:
Glad you’re here!
The 2 important words to say:
Thank you.
The 1 important word to say:
Share your comments on these customer service "words". What words work for you or have worked "on" you?
I like the sentence that say "Thank yor for your business please come back again". I usually say "Thank you for coming come again".
It sound more professional the first one.
Angela Richardson
My thoughts on the customer service “words” are that I absolutely agree with them and other forms of customer service words such as “help,” because customers are what keep companies in business.
Thank you, has always worked on me because it makes me feel as though you appreciate me whether I spend a dollar or five hundred dollars with your company. I want to know that you appreciate every penny I give (or just appreciate me).
I think these tips are valuable and easy to remember. When dealing with customers it's important to take ownership for mistakes that have been made. Even though it may not be your mistake...You are representing the company you are working for. Overall it's not about "you" and the customer so, things should not be taken personal. It's about the image of the company and you helping build and maintain a relationship between the company and the customer. So, I apologize for (my) our mistake and I will make it right.
Maria C. Torres
Important word saying number nine;
#9“Thank you for your business. Please come back again.”
This saying is familiar because I have to say it to my guests at my job everyday, so they feel recognized and will feel welcomed back any time.
Nicole Cunningham
I never said "How may I serve you".I'm going to try that one day.
Angela Richardson
It was very cleverly done - 10 words, 9 words, etc. into which a very important facet of customer svc. was tailored to fit. It took some thought.
My favorite is # 10-YES! To me this is embodiment of CUSTOMER SVC, never having to say no - moving heaven and earth to make it happen for the customer/guest!
The sentence that says "I apologize for my own mistake" is my favorite customer service word. That is very professional and important to say to customers.
Kelly Tymecki
I like using the words "Thank you" no matter what the circumstances are, you can be wrong or right. I've found that using this always makes the customers feel right. That is very important in customer service.
The 8 important words to say
I'm not sure,but I will find out.
These word we used every day at our job esspecially when a love one need information about there family.
Dorothea M
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