Monday, October 4, 2010

Writing- The Most Important Proper Noun

We've discussed proper nouns before. But what do you think is the most important proper noun of all? I bet you wouldn't be surprised to hear that it's your own name!

How many times each day do you write (or type) your name? It's probably many more times than you really think! Your name should always be written just the way you'd write any other proper noun (such as "Coca Cola," "Pepsi," "New York City," or "Florida"). The first letter of each name should be capitalized. But do you do that? Do you always do that?

No matter if it's an email, a blog post, a text or signing in to an online workshop, your name should always be typed with the first letter of each part being capitalized! Sometimes we all feel a bit lazy, and it might be easier to not capitalize it, but that's not right. You are important! Your name is important! Write it in a way that shows the importance!

*** Remember that on the blog, you can type your full first name and just the last initial! ***

Write one short sentence telling me what you hope to do before the end of the year. Then, be sure to correctly sign (type) your name at the end. Here's an example.

By the end of 2010, I hope to have met most of my New Year resolutions.

-Lourdes P.


Anonymous said...

By the end of this year, I plan to have a good and stable job.

Angela R

Anonymous said...

Before ending the year 2010, I hope to be a regular member of a gym, have completed my class, and improved on my typing.

Shenea W.


Anonymous said...

Before 2010 ends, I want to accomplish a few personal resolutions.

Maria T.

Anonymous said...

Before the end of the year, I hope I pay back the money I owe my parents.

Nicole Cunningham

Anonymous said...

By the end of this year I plan to be a size 7/8 again LOl.

Angela Richardson

Alex P said...

By the end of 2010, I would like to be physically present in NEVIS, my home!

Anonymous said...

Before the end of the year, I hope to have a very big celebration and invite all my friends.

Kelly Tymecki

Anonymous said...

I'm looking foward to my Twenty Five year wedding anniversary in December, at the end of this year.


Anonymous said...

Before this year end I plan to have saved up enough money, so I will be able to buy myself a new car.

Angela Richardson

Anonymous said...

By the end of 2010 I hope lose 48 pound.

Dorothea M