Thursday, October 22, 2009

Reading & Writing

Yesterday's blog post ( gave you a link to a website that listed 15 steps that could help you become a good writer (or an even better writer than you are now)! The second step listed was to read more!

The Internet is home to so many great sites that you can read and some of my favorites are for newspapers. Why do I love the online versions of newspapers? Each day (and sometimes multiple times within one particular day) there are new stories to read and almost every subject is covered: politics, technology, entertainment, restaurants/cooking, real estate, health/wellness, and more! Everyone should read for at least 30 minutes each day and I find that the easiest (and cheapest) way to do that is to visit online websites for newspapers. A few links for you are below.

Miami Herald:
Palm Beach Post:
Treasure Coast News:
Orlando Sentinel:
New York Times:

Pick one (or two) of these sites and make it a "Favorite" or a "Bookmark" in your browser. Commit to visiting that site daily and reading there for 30 minutes!

Which site (or sites) did you pick?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How to Be a Good Writer

Would you like to be a good writer? Check out the 15 tips given on this website: Out of those 15 tips, which one (or ones) do you currently do now? Which one (or ones) will you try to do in the future? Please post those thoughts in response to this topic so we can see them!

Did you notice that much of what those tips covered (writing a lot, reading a lot, using good spelling and grammar, etc.) are all things that have been covered on this blog?! That's no coincidence!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Customer Service, Customer Service, Customer Service

In almost every position, good customer service is invaluable. Whether you are a doctor, teacher, attorney, administrative assistant, clerk, technology representative, hair dresser, sales associate and on and on.....customer service is key! Remember you may not work with outside customers but even your fellow co-workers should/can be considered customers.

Please read these valuable customer service "words" shared by Steve Ventura in the book
Serve Right


The 10 important words to say:
I apologize for our (my) mistake. Let me make it right.

The 9 important words to say:
Thank you for your business. Please come back again.

The 8 important words to say:
I’m not sure, but I will find out.

The 7 important words to say:
What else can I do for you?

The 6 important words to say:
What is most convenient for you?

The 5 important words to say:
How may I serve you?

The 4 important words to say:
How did we (I) do?

The 3 important words to say:
Glad you’re here!

The 2 important words to say:
Thank you.

The 1 important word to say:

Share your comments on these customer service "words". What words work for you or have worked "on" you?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Inspirational Quotes

As we come to the end of our semester, we should reflect on our accomplishments and consider our long or short term goals. At times we may need some inspiration to get us to take that next step or keep the momentum going.

Please take 3 minutes and watch this inspirational movie below (click on link)

Once you have completed watching the movie please share your comments to the following questions: Did you enjoy the movie, Did any of quotes inspire you? Would you share this movie with someone else? Is it nice to know you can inspire yourself with a quick movie link at your fingertips?

Lastly, do you have a favorite quote you would like to share with us? If it is in a different language you can share it and translate it for us!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

eLearning Blog - A Look Back (Part 13)

During December 2008, there was a big emphasis on prefixes. Many, many common words use prefixes and knowing the meaning of some common prefixes can help you figure out the meaning of a word. Take a look at all of the blog posts from December that discussed prefixes. Which two or three prefixes were you least familiar with? Post the prefix, the date it was discussed in the blog, and the meaning of the prefix.

Enjoy & happy learning!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

eLearning Blog - A Look Back (Part 12)

November 2008 had the second highest number of blog topics presented in 2008. Lots of great topics were covered, including different types of sentences (simple, compound, complex), verbs, spelling, and more! Take a look!

Pick any two topics, read through the blog post for each, and then participate in the discussions to practice those skills. Come back & tell us what were the dates & topics you selected!

Monday, October 12, 2009

eLearning Blog - A Look Back (Part 11)

This next set of posts for this week will bring us through the end of blog from 2008!

October 2008 was the most active month in the eLearning blog. There were 30 total topics presented that month which means only one day didn't have a new topic added! Wow! Review what was covered and pick two topics in which to participate. Then come back, tell us the topics & dates of the things about which you blogged!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

eLearning Blog - A Look Back (Part 10)

September 2008 was a good month at the eLearning blog. There were 2 big "series" of posts: using hyphens correctly and problem phrases. However, even outside of those topics, other helpful things were covered! Please visit the September 2008 blog posts, pick one of the "using hyphens correctly" topics, one of the "problem phrases" topics, and one other topic (other than something from either of those two series). Participate in all three of those discussions and then come back here to tell us what you learned!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

eLearning Blog - A Look Back (Part 9)

During August 2008, the eLearning blog had 18 topics presented. Go check them out!

Next, pick two of them, participate & tell us what you learned!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

eLearning Blog - A Look Back (Part 8)

Our next stop on the "look back" tour is going to take us to July 2008. Like June 2008, there were 19 different topics covered that month, so you've got a lot to choose from when reviewing what's there! Take a look through the topics, find two that interest you, participate in them, and then come back to report the topic titles and dates of the original blog topics to which you responded (such as "Usage - Who Versus Whom" from July 30th).

Happy blogging!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

eLearning Blog - A Look Back (Part 7)

During June of 2008, there were 19 different blog topics discussed. Go take a look, pick 2, participate in them, and come back here to tell us what you learned!!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

eLearning Blog - A Look Back (Part 6)

In May 2008, the eLearning blog had 14 different topics presented. I'd like you to review them, pick 2 and participate by responding to those topics. Then, come back here, let us know the topics & dates you selected (such as "Don't Confuse Your Homonyms" from May 31, 2008).

Have fun!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

eLearning Blog - A Look Back (Part 5)

Let's take a look back at some of the great topics we've had on this blog!

April 2008 was when it all started! Even though there was only one post that month, it was a nice way to start the blogging experience! I'd like you to visit that topic, read through it, and participate. Then come back here & let us know what you wrote!