Thursday, May 29, 2008

Vocabulary - Use It Or Lose It (Part 2)

For the blog post on May 22nd, we were discussing the "Academic Word List" and the importance of vocabulary for good writing. Today's the second installment of vocabulary practice. Here's the next set of words from the list.

Please pick a word, look it up in a dictionary, and then post the word & its meaning. Choose a word that has not been picked already by another blogger. (HINT: If you do not have a dictionary, you can use an online one! Try this:



Anonymous said...

Legal: Related to law
Individual: One person
My daughter used to leave with her friends in those student apartment, but now she decided to rent a one bed room apartment.

Anonymous said...

method- way of doing something, a procedure or technique

Lauren S.

Anonymous said...


1 a: expenditure of physical or mental effort especially when difficult or compulsory b (1): human activity that provides the goods or services in an economy (2): the services performed by workers for wages as distinguished from those rendered by entrepreneurs for profits c: the physical activities (as dilation of the cervix and contraction of the uterus) involved in giving birth; also : the period of such labor
2: an act or process requiring labor : task
3: a product of labor
4 a: an economic group comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages b (1): workers employed in an establishment (2): workers available for employment c: the organizations or officials representing groups of workers
5usually Labour : the Labour party of the United Kingdom or of another part of the Commonwealth of Nations
synonyms see work

Copied from Merriam Webster dictionary.

Rebekah W.

Anonymous said...


1.)The making of laws
2.)the law or laws made

Anonymous said...

1.) To make intricate or complicated
2.) To entangled in difficulty, danger, etc.; implicate
3.) to affect or include
4.) to require (saving involves, thrif)
5.) to make busy occupy

Anonymous said...

1. the act or the result of interpreting : explanation
2. a particular adaptation or version of a work, method, or style
3. a teaching technique that combines factual with stimulating explanatory information

Copied from Merriam Webster dictionary

Geraldine G.

Anonymous said...


1. noun - a single human being, as distinguished from a group.
2. a person.
3. adjective - a distinct, indivisible entity.
4. single; separate.
5. intended for one person only.
6. of or characteristic of a particular person or thing.
7. distinguished by special characteristics.
-adverb- indidividually

copied from The Essential High School Dictionary

Alicia said...
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Alicia said...

1.) a condition or occurrence traceable to a cause one of the issues of the Civil War was the resolution to the question of states' rights see effect 1
2.) a place or means of going out since the lake is the issue of the polluted river, it is becoming polluted as well see exit 1
3.) the descendants of a person, animal, or plant someone who dies without issue might have their estate turned over to the state — see offspring.

Anonymous said...

Legal: one that cconforms to rules or the law.

Anonymous said...


1: a procedure or process for attaining an object: as a (1): a systematic procedure, technique, or mode of inquiry employed by or proper to a particular discipline or art (2): a systematic plan followed in presenting material for instruction b (1): a way, technique, or process of or for doing something (2): a body of skills or techniques
2: a discipline that deals with the principles and techniques of scientific inquiry
3 a: orderly arrangement, development, or classification : plan b: the habitual practice of orderliness and regularity
4capitalized : a dramatic technique by which an actor seeks to gain complete identification with the inner personality of the character being portrayed

Luz Croce

Anonymous said...

major[3,intransitive verb]

Main Entry: 1ma·jor
Pronunciation: \ˈmā-jər\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English maiour, from Latin major, comparative of magnus great, large — more at much
Date: 15th century
1: greater in dignity, rank, importance, or interest 2: greater in number, quantity, or extent 3: having attained majority
4 a: notable or conspicuous in effect or scope : considerable b: prominent or significant in size, amount, or degree 5: involving grave risk : serious
6: of or relating to a subject of academic study chosen as a field of specialization
7 a: having half steps between the third and fourth and the seventh and eighth degrees b: based on a major scale c: equivalent to the distance between the keynote and another tone (except the fourth and fifth) of a major scale d: having a major third above the root

Archarna J.

Anonymous said...


Physical or mental exertion, especially when difficult or exhausting,work.

indira H

Anonymous said...

Indicate - To point out or to point to; to demonstrate or suggest the necessity; to state or express briefly.

Karla Banton

Anonymous said...

Legislation - A matter of business for or under consideration by a legislative.


Anonymous said...

Method: a procedure or process for attaining an object; a systematic procedure, technique, or mode of inquiry employed by or proper to a particular discipline or art; a systematic plan followed in presenting material for instruction.

-Bradley B.

Anonymous said...

My word is:
meaning a teaching technique that combines factual with stimulating explanatory information