Would you like to be a good writer? Check out the 15 tips given on this website: http://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Good-Writer. Out of those 15 tips, which one (or ones) do you currently do now? Which one (or ones) will you try to do in the future? Please post those thoughts in response to this topic so we can see them!
Did you notice that much of what those tips covered (writing a lot, reading a lot, using good spelling and grammar, etc.) are all things that have been covered on this blog?! That's no coincidence!
thanks this will help me!
One of the tips I currently use now is reading. I love to read! but I'm not a good writer. It takes time to organize the ideas so I don't enjoy writing.
A tip that works for me, and it's also mentioned in the blog is to write fast and without editing. Instead of writing and editing at the same time.
Rosa M. Fernandez
I always ask someone else to read my writing.
I will try to expand my vocabulary.
Melissa Lobsinger
Whenever I read the newspaper or a book, I always keep my dictionary at my finger tips.
In the future I will buy a vocabulary note book and an inspirational note book. I will also read the daily newspaper more often.
Deidra W.
Out of the twelve I only four. those were:
#4-Use good grammer
#10-Be well informed about the subject
#14-Ask someone else to read your writing
The tips make sense, I will try to use a few.
-Bradley B.
One tip that was given to me as a small child was to read, read, read. This improves your writing so much because it allows you to see it written correctly, as well as improving your vocabulary. Another tip I do is when I have to write I just sit down and write, not worrying about spelling and grammar. By doing this it lets my ideas just flow, while not being bogged down with things that can be edited.
-Judith B
Tips I currently use:
Expand vocabulary.
Use good grammar.
Plan writing.
Ask someone to read writing.
Edit writing.
Be specific.
I will try to do the following in the future:
Read about writing.
Write a lot everyday.
Buy two books - inspirational and vocabulary.
The more we read the better we will write, since we can learn from each other.
Karla Banton
Unfortunately, everyone turns to me in my family to write resumes, formal letters, references, etc. I did not mind doing so about twelve years ago because I was constantly at it, but now I feel that I suck and get stuck trying to form letters because I stop reading as I use to and do not have to write on a regular basis.
Since this class started I have been getting back on top of the reading and as well I have been taking advantage of using the vocabulary words that are available to practice with
Rhonda Sims
I have to improve my writing .for me is very difficult write in English .. I hear always if I read more my writing and my vocabulary will be better..I try to follow these steps..
/s diodati
I always ask someone else to read my writing.
All these tips are interesting for our writing.
Dorothea M.
For me, brainstorming is very important.It works for me.When I have to write about a specific subject,I seat down and write anything that comes to my mind. Then I make a selection of what is more oppropriate for the subject at hand and start writing.
What I am going to try next is tip #5:Having a Vocabulary Notebook and an Inspirational Notebook. It sounds like a good idea to help me in my writing techniques.
For me it always been checking, my writing, or typing after I was finished too make sure I used proper grammar, and the right puncuation, and also the correct spelling of words.I know I am not a good writer, that is why I like for my writings too get preread first.I am very interested in expanding my vocabulary also.I know that I should use the following methods in writing: ask someone else too read it. And also use good grammar and puntuation.
April S.
When it comes to writing, I am somewhat anal. I tend to re-read, edit, and re-write my material several times before I am content with it. Once I feel content I will have someone else review it and give me thier feedback. My grammar and puncutuation are usually on point. In the past I would read the dictionary to expand my vocabulary. All the tips mentioned in this blog were very helpful.
Lia Muth
Sandra H.
Of the 15 tips listed I would say I use 5.
#2. Read
#4. Use good grammer
#7. Brainstorm
#10. Be well informed
#14. Ask someone else to read it
What I will do in the future is try tip #5. Buy 2 notebooks and use one as a vocabulary book and the other as an ispirational one.
I have to say the I consider myself a very bad writer, but with those tips I will improve on the future.
What I used now on my assignments is:
Brainstorm, before starting to write,in order to focus I my writing, I begin with the main idea, even if this one doesn't look good, but may lead me to a better one.
Notebooks, I write down new words in it.
I read newspaper and I used a lot my dictionary.
In the future I will try to do:
More Edition to my writing, reread it and rewrite it, look for errors in grammar and spelling as well as style, content, organization, and coherence.
Be specific, avoid implying or overgeneralizing, vagueness, also try to include only relevant details.
October 30, 2009
Roxana Alvarez
1. I currently use numbers two, seven, and nine.
2. I would like to work on using numbers one, three, four, and 14.
I'm very excited to be able to learn so many things about writing being that it is a sore subject of mine.
The key to good writing is reading. I always encourage children to read so that they can improve their writing. However, I have found myself not reading. I must make a special effort to read the newspaper daily, as well as the English version of the Bible. I also need to start reading books again. I must use the suggestion of getting two notebooks - one for noting new words and the other for putting thoughts, or lines etc.
Verona H
I think this article on "How to Be a Good Writer", was very informative. I learned some good tips that I could use. Such as write without think of correcting errors or mistakes.
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