Sunday, September 26, 2010

Writing-Using Similes

Have you heard of the term "simile" before? Wikipedia describes it as literary device that uses the words "like" or "as" to compare two unlike objects or ideas. I bet you've seen writing, especially poetry, that used a simile or two! Let's look at a few examples.

North Dakota is like an ice box in the winter. It is freezing cold there!
(That simile is comparing the state of North Dakota to an ice box.)

My cat, Spanky, is like a tiger stalking his prey when he plays with his toys.
(That simile is comparing my cat, Spanky, to a tiger.)

Florida summers are as hot as the sun's surface.
(That simile is comparing summers in Florida to the sun's surface. Both are very hot!)

Take a look at the list below (from of some common similes. Pick two and try using them in a couple of sentences!

As agile as a monkey
As alike as two peas in a pod
As bald as a baby's backside
As big as a bus
As big as an elephant
As black as coal
As blind as a bat
As blind as a mole
As bold as brass
As brave as a lion
As bright as day
As bright as the sun
As busy as a beaver
As busy as a bee

One of my favorite similes shown above is the "as blind as a bat." I've often said that my sister, without her glasses, is as blind as a bat!


Anonymous said...

My uncle head is as bald as a baby’s backside

My brother skin is as black as coal


Unknown said...

I was studying as busy as a bee.

The diamond shone as bright as day.

Anonymous said...

The store clerk is as busy as a bee.

My daughter tells her grandma that she need her glasses,because she is as blind as a bat.

Anonymous said...

The store clerk is as busy as a bee.

M y daughter tells her grandma that she need her glasses,because she is as blind as a bat.

Dorothea M.

Anonymous said...

Grandmothers purse is as big as a bus.

He is always busy as a beaver.

Maria C. Torres

alex phillip said...

That guy climbing the coconut tree is as agile as a monkey.

If you continue eating like that you'll soon be as big as a bus!

Anonymous said...

As busy as a bee
As dull as a door nail

1. I have been as busy as a bee with my job lately.

2. That 3D movie was as dull as a door nail.

nicole cunningham

Anonymous said...

The smile on my face today was as bright as the sun.

The judge at the court house was as bald as a baby’s backside.
