Saturday, May 17, 2008

Describe it - weather!

I'm going to stick to the "trend" I've had lately about descriptive writing. The great thing about this topic is that there's so much out there to use as inspiration! Today, we'll focus on the weather. But this doesn't have to be about the weather that's currently happening. Maybe you want to think about a place you've been or a weather event you've endured: a rainy day, a hurricane, a snow storm, an August day in Florida, etc.

I grew up in New Jersey and went through many snow storms. The most beautiful part was at night as the snow fell. If you turned on a light outside, you could see the dainty, delicate, crystal flakes just slowly falling from the night sky. Once you stepped outside, you'd hear this very faint, but distinct crackling of the flakes reaching the ground and piling on top of the snow that was already there.

What type of weather would you like to tell me about? Write a few complete sentences that describe this. Remember that a complete sentence has a subject and a verb. Use those adjectives, as that's what helps paint that vivid, detailed picture in your reader's mind!


Anonymous said...

Weather, oh how I love the changes we receive as little gifts tied with bows, to open up and enjoy! I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia where there are still seasons. Spring, my daffodils would bloom and fill the breeze with a lovely soft sweetness and birds would be coming to talk to me at the bird feeder. My favorite plant of all, the Lilly of the Valley so small, but so full of life would start to bloom. The wonder in those tiny little blossoms made me so hopeful of what was yet to come. So small, so delicate, but also so fragrant. Even the smallest things have a gift to offer, you just have to be looking!

Summer reminds me of cookouts and children squealing as they run through the sprinkler with puppies nipping their toes. Summer makes me think of ice cold watermelon and the red rings around my daughter's mouth as she smiled at her last bite. As a child, summer was made perfect by our fourth of July feast at Grandma's house. She would grill a T-Bone Steak for everyone and make my favorite, homemade peach ice cream. She had a old wood ice cream maker that you would have to put rock salt and ice in, and I remember standing there watching her peel the peaches year after year with the same knife she used to cut everything.

Fall would bring cool days and colder nights, but made perfect with spiced cider and the fire crackling away in the fire place. Fall brings pumpkins and children dressed in all sorts of festive attire! Homemade pumpkin spice muffins and cranberry orange bread filled the home with comfort. The leaves on the trees would start to change hues and you knew that winter was not far off. The crunch under foot of the leaves as you take the dogs for their walk, the fresh smell in the air of the north Georgia mountains.....oh how I miss the beauty that was so vibrant with promise! The promise that summer had gone, winter was coming but spring would be on it's way, when all the leaves would peak out and be green again.

Winter, is the cold time of the year but somehow, our hearts seem warmer then. People bundle up in scarves and mittens, walk the dog and shiver as their breath looks like smoke...The wreaths on the doors change to green and red and the neighbor that leaves his Christmas decorations up year-around doesn't seem so out of place. People are ring bells and children are respond by tugging on their Mother's coat asking for coins to drop in. Families make it a special tradition to buy presents for children without the gift of family. Most of all, why I love winter, is we celebrate the Holy night, when my Savior was born.

Weather to me, is so much more then what you see or even feel outside. Weather, to me is what you see in the hearts of people around you and feel inside your own.

Rebekah W.

Lauren S. said...

Rainy days are no fun since I'm usually forced to stay inside, but there's nothing like a rainy night! I absolutely love to sleep when it's raining outside. The pitter-patter of the rain on my bedroom window makes me sleep so soundly. The sound of the water is so soothing, I feel like I'm relaxing at a spa. It seems like the harder it rains, the longer I sleep! I'm like a bear hibernating in the winter. ZZZZZZZZZZZZ...

Anonymous said...

A salty breeze gently brushes the fingers of the palm fronds and they respond ever so slightly. It is late, with a solitary night bird chirping; I do not feel so alone. The air conditioner strains to cool our home after the hot, dry day. The moon is almost full and so bright that I can see the blooms on the Lake View Jasmine. It smells like orange blossoms.

Yes, it is hot and dry. The grass is brittle and crackles beneath my feet. There is no smell of rain in the air, only the faint odor of smoke from distant fires. Soon enough, the afternoon thunderstorms will come. It is one thing I look forward to.

In the North, springtime is when everything comes to life. Here, the winter is dry and the spring is windy. Here, the summer brings rain. Sometimes it is almost too humid to breathe. Here, summertime is when everything comes to life. Everything grows as though there is nothing better to do. It is really impossible to cut back the vegitation; nor do I want to.

In the shade of a setting sun, it is a beautiful place.

Anonymous said...


On a very hot summer's day twelve years ago, I sat in my living room waiting for the unknown. This unknown was a catogory 4 hurricane by the name of LUIS.

My family and I sat transfixed listening to the radio. Wondering what kind of night we were in for, as this unknow,unwelcomed intruder by the name of Luis was scheduled to arrive around 11:00pm that night.

At approximately 8:10pm the rain started. First it was a light rain. Then thirty minutes later, lightning and thunder followed. Out went the lights. There was total darkness. We were prepared with flshlights and lanterns and our battery operated radio was turned on.

We sat huddled together waiting and waiting wondering what would happen next. The wind howled and the thunder crashed overhead. We could hear the lightening crackle outside our window.

Then there was a loud crash, that was not thunder or lightening I thought. We raced to the window. Someone's roof was in our back yard. The wind picked it up and tossed it against our fence. It smashed like a match stick being broken by a human hand. We stood there transfixed at the window because in the distance we could see more roof tops flying through the air.

Boom!! Another terrifying noise followed. This time it was our 4 gallon solar water heater. The wind picked it up and took it far away in the distance. Never again to be seen by us.

Crash! Boom! Bang! these noises continued all night long. We came away from the window afaird of the flying debris. We sat huddled in a corner praying that morning would come and it would be all over.

At two o'clock we lost total communication with the outside world. The radio station went dead and so did our cell phone and our house phone. We felt hopeless, afaird and alone as the force of nature continued unabated outside our house.

I guess Luis was just getting started. The wind whistled and howled and swirled. The wind gust was now 205 miles per hour.The wind continued to swirled around and around the house it went for what seemed like an eternity. The house felt as though it was going to take off with us inside. We ran to open the windows a bit to release the pressure we were feeling inside the house.

AAAh a sigh of releif as the hurricane abated.
In the morning we would find out it wa a tornado that had touch down along with the hurricane.

Morning brought a calm to the island. A very eerie calm. We opened our door to a very strange scene. The trees all looked burnt. They were very dark with no leaves, no branches and most of all their bark , gone. The sky looked blue grey, no clouds, no birds flying around. It reminded me of a television show where the ailens were about to land. It took our breath away. We were lucky that our house and our neighbour's houses all withstood Luis. But many other families were not that lucky.

As we drove around the island we saw many homes destroyed. Seventy-five percent of the island was in fact destroyed on that terrible summer night.The island was deemed a national disaster.

I hope never again to see the likes of that now known, unwanted guest, HURRICAN LUIS.

Anonymous said...

For me I will have to say winter season, is the most captivating seasons of all.I lived in New Yorks for a few years and the winter there was cold, but not as brutal as some other states and countries.

Have you ever felt cold but really warm at the same time?.For me I just love rushing out the door when the first signs of snow starts falling from the dark, gloomy sky's.Tranquility fills the atmosphere when the light, fluffy snowflakes,lands somwhere on my purposely uncovered arms and head.

What a beautiful sight it is when those lilly,white flakes slowly covers naked tree branches and roof tops.

Indira H.

Anonymous said...

The winter season in Florida is my favorite weather. I came from a tropical country and I really hate that weather. Winter in Florida is amazing. I wake up early in the morning in those cold days of the season and walk at the park. It is very dark in the morning. I can feel the strong cold breeze in my face. Also, you can not see the sun because some dark clouds cover it. When the sun rises, the trees and grass have a deep green color. The ducks sleep all the time out the lake. In the afternoon, the sun is very bright, but the cold breeze hugs your body and bones. The best time to go out, it is the night because it is freezing. I love winter!
Geraldine G.

Anonymous said...

The climate of Colombia is my favorite. Its proximity to the Earth's Equator makes Colombia a tropical and warm climate, presenting variations within five natural regions and depending on the altitude; determined by mountain climate, temperature, humidity, and winds; influenced by the trade winds and precipitation which is influenced by the Intertropical Convergence Zone.
Temperatures generally decrease, increasing in altitude above sea level, presenting snowy peaks to lower hot lands. Rainfall varies by location and is present in two seasons (two dry and two rainy) in Colombia presenting one of the highest rainfalls in the world in the Pacific region. Rainfall in parts of the Guajira Peninsula seldom exceeds 30 inches per year. Colombia's rainy southeast is often drenched by more than 200 inches of rain per year. Rainfall in most of the rest of the country runs between these two extremes.

Luz Croce

Anonymous said...

Born and raised in steamy hot Florida is a change from states that have snow. I am use to the humid climate here. The weather is almost never cold even in the winter and fall. If I am not mistaken my mother told me once it snowed in Florida just a tiny bit a long time ago.
Florida is a hot state but I love it when the sun is gone down and the temperature starts to drop. The moon lights up the sky; the stars twinkle and dance in the night. The cool breeze blows through your hair and carrasses your skin ever so gently. Trees sway with the flowing of the wind which carries a sweet smell of nature in the air. Crickets and other night animals softly chirp and sing through the night. With your eyes close and lying on the beach sand, you can escape to peaceful paradise in Florida.

Anonymous said...

Born and raised in steamy hot Florida is a change from states that have snow. I am use to the humid climate here. The weather is almost never cold even in the winter and fall. If I am not mistaken my mother told me once it snowed in Florida just a tiny bit a long time ago.
Florida is a hot state but I love it when the sun is gone down and the temperature starts to drop. The moon lights up the sky; the stars twinkle and dance in the night. The cool breeze blows through your hair and carrasses your skin ever so gently. Trees sway with the flowing of the wind which carries a sweet smell of nature in the air. Crickets and other night animals softly chirp and sing through the night. With your eyes close and lying on the beach sand, you can escape to peaceful paradise in Florida.

Archarna J.