Friday, May 15, 2009

Blogging - Writing vs. Speaking

I don't know about you, but when I think of blogging, I think of writing (or typing). However, I learned about a new website called "Voice Thread" which is a way to do a talking blog.

Visit the Voice Thread link below and watch the short presentation about writing an argument essay. If the presentation doesn't automatically start, click the play button (shown to the right of here). Once you've watched it, report back. Did you like the "talking blog" that was Voice Thread?


Anonymous said...

The talking blog is cool. I like it very much because I miss my old school so much.

Suetto Chan

Anonymous said...

I like the talking blog. Sometimes when you listen you learn easier, because you intend to grasp something that was said.


Anonymous said...

I found the talking blog interesting.

Please provide more.

Maria Rodriguez-Trelles

Anonymous said...


The writing blog is my preference because you are able to write as you think and have the opportunity of correct mistakes before posting. While with the talking blog, once you give your opinion you cannot take it back.

Anonymous said...

I like the talking blog very much. It gives you a sense of being in an actual class room.

Abbey P.

Anonymous said...

I like the talking bloging it give you a little undersanding.

Dorothea M.

Anonymous said...

Mirlene I saw people got the thread, but I cannot so I am sorry.

Anonymous said...

The talking blog is quite interesting. I only got three of the steps she discussed in writing an argumentative essay.

Karla Banton

Unknown said...

The talking blog seems interesting. Not only is it inovative, it also makes things easier.Incase someone is busy, they could HEAR the blog instead of reading it.That is very cool!

Mianta Durand