Friday, June 27, 2008

Writing - Stay Away From "Fluff"

Look up into the sky and find the fluffiest cloud you can see. It's probably large and "poofy." But if you condensed it down, there wouldn't be much substance there. Well, fluffy writing is the same way! It's large (fills up a lot space on paper), but doesn't have much substance to it. Since your goal is to be an effective writer, you want to avoid the "fluff" as much as you can!

You're probably asking yourself, "What exactly is fluffy writing?" and that question is important. If you know what it is, you know what to avoid. Below are a few examples of "fluff."

The following phrases/sentences are things to stay away from in your writing.

1.) "Let me tell you..." (You're doing the writing, so it's understood that you'll tell it.)

2.) "Let me explain this."
(It's expected in your writing that you'll explain your topic.)

3.) "As I will show..."
(You're the author, so you're in charge! There's no need to state this.)

4.) "I believe that..." (Since this writing is coming from you, it's implied that this is what you believe.)

5.) "As I've shown..." or "As I've explained..." (There's no need to state this, unless someone else did the "showing" or "explaining," the reader knows that you showed/explained these things.)

Sometimes it may be hard to not use these phrases. But you're all good writers, so you can always find a different way to state what you're trying to say in a strong, effective, compelling way!

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