Improve your listening skills. (This is especially important for those who take an online course, as many times, you are not seeing your teacher in-person, but rather hearing him or her on the phone or in an Elluminate session!)
"Learn how to listen and you will prosper even from those who talk badly." -- Plutarch (A.D. 46 - 120). Greek biographer and philosopher
- Start by entering the classroom with a positive attitude. Going to class thinking, "This is the last place I want to be today" only sets the stage for inattentive listening. Approaching lectures with a positive attitude allows one to be open-minded and enables you to get the most out of the information presented.
- Make a conscious effort to pay attention. Concentrate on concentrating. "Without concentration there is no focus, and without focus there is no learning" (Pauk 190).
- Adapt to whatever direction a lecture takes. When a lecture takes an unexpected detour, say a student asks a question you aren't particularly interested in, students have a tendency to "zone out." Before you know it, the lecture got back on track five minutes ago, and you missed crucial information that should have been noted.
Please note that even though most of us aren't sitting in on a true "lecture" style class, any presentation or discussion can have these tips applied! :)
What do you think?
I like the ideas. I will try to pay more concentration when I attend the on line class. I will tape a "Don't Disturb" sign on my bedroom door when I'm studying.
Suetto C.
I agree with the info in the passage about being positive, and all the other attributes will follow. Concentration is the key. I often times get distracted on some of my elearning courses and it really impacts on my learning ability, which results in low scores.
Karla Banton
I think the first step by entering the classroom with a positive attitude, that will help to turn off ours fears, and enables to us to get the most out of the information presented. Also, concentrate + focus = learning, this is the secret.
September 28, 2009
Roxana Alvarez
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