Friday, September 26, 2008

Writing: Let's End Hunger (Part 1)

Have you ever heard of a website called It's a great site with 2 main goals: to provide education to everyone for free and to help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free. How nice would it be to help others while helping yourself?

On that site, you can play vocabulary games. For every question that you answer correctly, the website will donate 20 grains of rice through the United Nations' World Food Program to help end hunger.

Your task is to visit the site (, play a vocabulary game (or even a few of them), and then report back on your experience! Did you enjoy the site? Was the vocabulary easy or difficult? How many games did you play? How many games did you win by answering correctly?


Anonymous said...

i enjoy the site. The vocabulary was a little difficult. I play math, chemistry and english.
All the games was answering correctly. This site has been very helpful.

Luz Croce

Anonymous said...

I liked it. I took only English Grammar and I was able to donate 1000 grains. I added to my favorites. Next time I will play different subjects just to practice...

Tais M.

Anonymous said...

I actually enjoyed myself. I was on there for a very long time. I worked on Math, English Grammer, and also Engish Vocabulary. I thought it was a funn and helpful site, and If I can play that and it will benefit someone else, then I wll play it all the time.

Crystal Smolter

Anonymous said...

I like the site, and I visit almost the entire subjecjct: Math,English Vocabulary,English Grammar Famous Paintings.I was very impress, that by doing this, I've learned and donated amount of grains of rice.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this website. I donated a total of 8,640 grains of rice. I particpated in English Grammer, Vocabulary, World Capitals, Spanish and Multiplication.The vocabulary was easy in the beginning but the more questions you got correct the harder it became. I enjoyed it. I also have my 12yr old working on the site as well.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this site very much. I played the Math,Grammar and Vocabulary games.I spent a little over an hour because I kept wanting to improve my score.They were all easy, I only got a couple incorrect in the Vocabulary, but the good thing is it comes back later on, so you get it correct the second time around, and none of your points are taken away.This is a good site because it for a very good cause and you also get to practice and sharpen your own skills.
Does anyone know of any site like this for kids 6-8 years old?

Indira H.

Anonymous said...

The english vocabulary was a little difficult to be honest. I also played the countries and French. Those were much easier for me than the English vocab, even though English is usually easy for me. I think it was a fun site and a great idea in order to donate rice to those in need.

-Judith B