Friday, July 10, 2009

Expressions (Part 3)

Have you ever heard the expression "the rule of thumb" before? I have, but never really knew where it came from. Here's where you can find out about it!

Once you read about that, come back here & tell me one rule of thumb that you have, whether it's about your study habits, your online course, or even just life in general.


Anonymous said...

This is the first time I heard about "the rule of thumb".
I think it can apply to bank:
before the housing bubble go worst, the way of the banks to finance thier customers for buying a new home.

Suetto C.

Anonymous said...

Rule of thumb : is a principle with broad application that is not intended to be strictly accurate or reliable for every situation.

Earliest citation comes from Sir.William Hope's The complete Fencing Master second edition 1692,page 157

Anonymous said...

One rule of thumb that I have for class is always sitting down and doing my work for as long as I can. I find it much more productive to just get as much done as possible in one block than to start and stop.

-Judith B

Anonymous said...

I have heard the expression "rule of thumb".
One rule of thumb that I have, is to stay on an assignment until it is finished.

Karla Banton

Anonymous said...

I have heard about "the rule of thumb" before.

My rule of thumb is to never give up on myself.

Leonie Florestal

Unknown said...

As a mother, my most important rule of thumb is: never lie to your chidren,no matter how painful the truth might be.


Anonymous said...

An important "rule of thumb" it could be: "Treat others the way you want to be treated". I try to practice that rule always.

Mina Robles

Anonymous said...

Another "rule of thumb": In the bank, put more money in and take less money out; in your body, put less food in and burn more calories out. Try it; it works.

Mina Robles