Sunday, October 17, 2010

Writing Terminology

No matter what test you're doing (GED, FCAT, SAT, etc.)or homework assignment you may be working on, there are some basic terms associated with essay writing. In fact, if you've ever attended one of the online workshops about essay writing, you've probably heard these terms used.

Try this Quia "Rags to Riches" game that tests your knowledge of writing terminology. It's ok if you don't know all of the terms; for those that you don't know, however, consider writing them down and making flash cards to help you learn them!

Once you complete the game, come back here & blog about your results. Was this a review for you or did you learn something new? What terms (if any) were you not familiar with, but learned after doing the activity? What was your final score? Did you enjoy this activity?

Quia game link:

(Please note that although this game is referencing the FCAT test, everything presented is still 100% valid for those who are not doing the FCAT. Feel free to share this with any friends or relatives who are working on their FCAT writing skills, as this can help them too.)

Have fun!!!


Anonymous said...

I didn’t learn anything I hadn’t already known, but I lost the game because I got the term focus wrong. So it goes to show I wasn’t focused on the question, but I am familiar with the term. I enjoyed this activity a lot because it reminded me of the show “Who Wants to be a Millionaire”, and my scored ended at $8,000! :(

Nicole Cunningham

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the game and got a score of 500,000. There were many things I did not know like "expository" and other things. The game is very informative.

Maria C.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the game also my score was 500,000. On the word “Conventions” I’m familiar whit the word but my definition of the word was different from what was there. The game was fun.


Anonymous said...

I didn't learn anything new from playing this game. I already have prior knowledge of the terms used, and scored a million on the game. I did in fact use two of the hints available, because I could not choose between the two very possible definitions for "sub topic". This game is good to play for students who may need to renew the terms a bit.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the game and my score is 1,000,000 although I got some wrong but I keep going over until I reach to the score level.

Dorothea M.