Just like the blog topic from August 29th, this next one is going to focus on using hyphens correctly when it comes to numbers. But this relates specifically to fractions.
Rule: Fractions written as words need to be hyphenated.
Examples: one-fifth, two-thirds, nine-tenths
Give it a try! Imagine that you're looking at a glass of water and that glass is only partially full. Write a sentence to tell everyone what fraction of the glass is full.
If I estimate correctly, I beleive the glass is one-third full.
Indira H.
My son Joey left his glass of milk three-quarters of the way full.
Writing- Using Hyphens Correctly ( Part 7)
He pulled up in the driveway only one-third of the way to pick me up.
Angelica Walker
My husband always leaves his glass one-fourth of the way full.
I drank as much as I could,I left the glass one-fifth full.
Michele T.
Beverly's baby only drank Two- Third of the milk in her bottle.
Sheila W.
Two-thirds of the majority of the school are conservative.
Luz Croce
The vineyard was the third-largest winery in California.
Luz Croce.
The vineyard was the third-largest winery in California.
Luz Croce.
Some people look at life as a glass of water, saying its one-half empty. I say the glass is one-half full.
Jonathan P.
After I drank three-quarters of a glass of skim milk, my appetite decreased.
I can drink three-quarter of a gallon of water by day.
Geraldine G.
mentioned or named earlier in the same text.
I am requesting to cancel the above-mentioned reference, effective date, October 15, 2008.
Adriana Wagner
My drink is about two-thirds full of ice tea.
The recipe calls for three-forths cup of milk to make the cookies.
Crystal Smolter
The glass of water is only two-thirds full.
Leonie Florestal
Ariel drank and left approximately three-quarters of the water in the glass.
Karla Banton
Sandra H.
The cup was one-fourth full when he said he was done.
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