Sunday, July 13, 2008

Special Vocabulary

Many activities, such as sports and even cooking, have their own special vocabulary. These are terms that have a specific meaning that's much different than the "normal" meaning. Sometimes there are different spellings too. Can you think of a term that's specific to some activity that you know about? Share the term and definition. You can also give an example in case other bloggers haven't heard that term before.

Here are two that come to mind for me.

1.) birdie: a term used in golf when a player completes a hole with a 1-under-par score.
Example: Tiger Woods had a birdie on hole number 18.

2.) cream: a term used in baking when combining butter and sugar.
Example: You should cream together the 1 cup of butter and the 1/2 cup of brown sugar until it's fluffy.


Anonymous said...


Definition: The term used when something seems overly or unpleasantly familiar.

Sentence: The appointment seems like a case of dejavu.


Definition: The term used when refering to the temperature.

Sentence: The house has a very lukewarm temperature.

Sheila W.

Anonymous said...

BEAT : The cook beat the eggs till the yolks were completely mixed.

The Yankees beat The Dolphins this year.

Michele T.

Anonymous said...

Spike is a term used to describe one way that a ball is hit in volleyball. Specifically, it is when a player jumps in the air to hit the top of the ball over the net when that player is very close to the net.

They were not ready for her to spike the ball.

Anonymous said...

"Special Vocabulary"

Hip: To be on top of the latest trend.

Despite her age my mom is very hip.


Anonymous said...

Bunt: A term used in baseball when a player hits the ball lightly with the bat without swinging.

The player bunted the ball and ran to fist base.

Anonymous said...

Bunt: A term used in baseball when a player hits the ball lightly with the bat without swinging.

The player bunted the ball and ran to first base.