Monday, July 28, 2008

Vocabulary - Use It Or Lose It (Part 9)

It's Monday and that means it's time for the next installment of words from the Academic Word List. Below you'll see a selection of words from sublist 2.

Please pick one word, post the definition, and then use that word in an original sentence. You may use an online dictionary (such as this one:



Anonymous said...

mirlene : region a geographic area of a country.

I was born in the North region of my country in Haiti.

Anonymous said...

A geographical description; mountain range.

Mount Cook is a mountain range that runs along the east coast of the South Island and home to powder skiing.

Michele T.

Anonymous said...


Defination- possible, but not yet actual; having the capacity to be developed.

Sentence- my teacher told me that I have the potential to do great things.

Sheila W.

Anonymous said...

purchase: buy

The purchase of gas is very high right now so I try not to drive that much .

Suetto C.

Anonymous said...

resources-asource of supply or support,a natural feature that enhances the quality of life.

The single mother of three has plenty of resources to move forward and give her and her children a great life.

Anonymous said...

Having significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand b: affording evidence tending to prove or disprove the matter at issue or under discussion c: having social relevance.

Your comment is not relevant to this discussion.

Anonymous said...

Having possibility, capability, or power.
This new employee has the potential we were looking for.
Giancarla D.

Anonymous said...

: first in order of time or development

2 a: of first rank, importance, or value : principal the primary purpose b: basic, fundamental security is a primary need c: of, relating to, or constituting the principal quills of a bird's wing d: of or relating to agriculture, forestry, and the extractive industries or their products e: expressive of present or future time primary tense f: of, relating to, or constituting the strongest of the three or four degrees of stress recognized by most linguists the first syllable of basketball carries primary stress
3 a: direct, firsthand primary sources of information b: not derivable from other colors, odors, or tastes c: preparatory to something else in a continuing process primary instruction d: of or relating to a primary school primary education e: of or relating to a primary election a primary candidate f: belonging to the first group or order in successive divisions, combinations, or ramifications primary nerves g: directly derived from ores primary metals h: of, relating to, or being the amino acid sequence in proteins primary protein structure
4: resulting from the substitution of one of two or more atoms or groups in a molecule a primary amine; especially : being or characterized by a carbon atom having a bond to only one other carbon atom
5: of, relating to, involving, or derived from primary meristem primary tissue primary growth
6: of, relating to, or involved in the production of organic substances by green plants primary productivity
7: providing primary care a primary physician

Meagan sees many doctors but Dr. Neush is her primary Doctor.

Archarna Jones

Anonymous said...

Regulations:an authoritative rule dealing with details or procedure or safety regulations b: a rule or order issued by an executive authority or regulatory agency of a government and having the force of law

The board of directors gave a list of new regulations to it's members.

Anonymous said...

Potential - capable of development into actuality

Maria Rodriguez-Trelles

Anonymous said...

Potential - Adjective

Meaning - existing in possibility:
capable of development into

Sentence - My son has the potential to do great things.

Leonie Florestal

Anonymous said...

Sandra H.

relevant-having some sensible or logical connection with something else such as a matter being discussed or investigate

His testimony was not relevant to the case.

Anonymous said...

Range : a series of things in a line.A sequence,series, or scale between limits, the distance or extedn between possible extremes. the difference between the least and greatest values of an attribute or of the variable of a frecuency distribution.

What is the range this month in sodas distribution?

October 13, 2009

Roxana Alvarez