Monday, April 6, 2009

Vocabulary - Use It Or Lose It (Part 23)

More vocabulary is here! (Don't you just love it?!)

acquitto be found innocent
deemto think or believe
devastateto destroy; wreck
discreditto damage a reputation
elusivehard to understand or catch
generateto start; create
idolizeto worship as a god; adore
ingratitudelack of thankfulness
mortala being that eventually will die; human
ovationapplause; cheers
plighta sad condition
repentto feel sorry for something you did; regret

Which 2-3 words do you think you could use the most in your writing & speaking? Post those words with their definitions. Then use 1 of them in a correctly written sentence.


Anonymous said...

I had a dream last night, and I don't understand why? they are so sad ,and suddenly they are clappinng and cheering,but it is so sad; that I woke up ,is just adream an elusive dream.

Sandra B said...

Ovation: applause; cheers

Devastate: to destroy;wreck

After the show the crowd gave the performers a standing ovation.

Anonymous said...


Acquit:to be found innocent

Sentence:John was aqitted of all the charges.

Sheila W.

Anonymous said...

deem: to think or believe

generate: to start; create

petty: unimportant

generate: His love generate from his heart.

suetto chan

Anonymous said...

Ingratitude means lack of thankfulness.
Plight means a sad condition.
Reverie means daydream.

Some politics can be elusive which is why you need to do your research to acquire more knowledge.

Abbey P.

Anonymous said...

Generate - to start, create

Plight - a sad condition

Deem - to think or believe

Moving here to Florida I had to generate all over from scratch.


Anonymous said...

ingratitude:lock of thsnkfulness

generate to start to create

elusive hard to understand

the math class become elusive

Anonymous said...

generate - to start, create.

plight - a sad situation

The children we asked to generate a list of action words from their reading lesson.

Karla Banton

Anonymous said...

2-3 words to used most in writing and speaking:

Acquit - to be found innocent
petty - unimportant
elusive - hard to understand or catch

The jury voted to acquit the man of all criminal charges.

Leonie Florestal

Anonymous said...

petty- unimportant

repent- to feel sorry for something you did; regret

Many people can be silly and petty about money.

Gitty M

Anonymous said...

Generate - to start, create

Deem - to think or believe

After traveling up the east coast I tend to generate alot more friends from those areas.

-Bradley B.