Monday, April 27, 2009

Writing - Subjects & Verbs (Part 5)

Are you ready to test your knowledge of the verb "to be" and see how well you can use it correctly? Try this Quia activity and post your results!


Tierra said...

I had to play like five times in order to pass. But I ams till struggling with one of them. It says:
July and Auguast ______ very hot. I kept wanting to say "is". But they say it is "Are". Yes, with a capital "A". Is that an error or is that actually correct?

Julissa said...

I played the game three times and I got this one incorrect:

July and Auguast ______ very hot.

i put "is" and it say incorrect. and i put "are" and it say incorrect too i do not know if the game crazy or what it is happening?

Can you help me please with it!

M.Orara said...

I have de same expeience as Tierra and Julissa.

Anonymous said...

I played the game three times and got this sentence incorrect before I finally got it,

July and August--- very hot.

Sheila W.

Corinne said...

I am a millionaire! Yippie! :)

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why "July and August Are very hot."
Please let me know .

Suetto Chan

Anonymous said...

I played the game a few times before I could get the 100%.
I encounter the problem with one sentence as the other students said
July and August Are very hot. I kept putting the common are, but it insisted it was the Are with the Capital A.


Anonymous said...

mirlene: comment

the quia game was good for me.

Anonymous said...

I play the game three times until I pass it.I was struggling with July and August ARE very hot. I used the word 'is'

Dorothea M

Anonymous said...

I played the game several times. I got the sentence about July and August ....very hot incorrect. I still have not gotten it. I think there is an error. Could you kindly explain.
Thank you.

Karla Banton

Anonymous said...

I also have played that game and whenever I answered the JULY AND AUGUST question, I picked ARE for the answer, I was marked wrong.


Anonymous said...

mirlene I played the game so many time, but July and August are very hot. subject and verb are correct.

Anonymous said...

I played this game seven times and still did not pass. I struggled with one of the questions. It is: July and August _____ very hot. I chose "are" seven times and was told it was incorrect. Is this a cliche? I believe I was correct when I completed the sentence by saying that July and August "are" very hot.

Leonie Florestal

Anonymous said...

I made it to $64,000.

Abbey P.

Anonymous said...

It took a several tries to get all of them correct. The one I had problem was

July and August____ very hot.


Anonymous said...

I played the game three times because of one sentence:
July and August__________very hot. I thought 'are' would have been the correct answer, bus 'Are' is the one. I believe it is an error. Because you cannot use a capital verb in the middle of a sentence.

Anonymous said...

I got them all correct except for the one. "July and August __ very hot." It should be "are" but says it is not.

Melissa Lobsinger