Monday, April 13, 2009

Vocabulary - Use It Or Lose It (Part 25)

Here's the last installment of the Quia vocabulary list. Are you ready to learn more important words? Take a look at what's below.

pacifyto make peaceful or calm; soothe
refuteto prove incorrect
synopsisoutline, brief summary

Which 2-3 words did you already know? Post those words with their definitions.

Which 2-3 words did you not know (or not know too well)? Post those words with their definitions.

Which 1 word do you think you could use the most in your writing or speaking? Post that word, its definition, and then use it in a sentence.


Anonymous said...

Words I know

Smug - conceited
Remorse - guilt

Words I don't know

Refute - to prove incorrect
Synopsis - outline brief summary

The newspaper give synopsis on the out come the kyle case.


Anonymous said...

words I know


words I don't know

pacify:to make peacefulor calm;soothe

numb:He stayed inside the walk-in freezer too long, and his whole body felt numb.

Suetto Chan

Anonymous said...

Known words:

resident - occupant
outline - sketch

Unknown words:

conceited - arrogant
dawdle - waste time

The teacher told the students to write an outline from Chapter 5.

Maria Rodriguez - Trelles

Anonymous said...

Words I Know:
pacify--to make peaceful or calm; soothe

Words I don't know:
refute--to prove incorrect

Abbey P.

Anonymous said...

Words I know
Numb-absense of feeling

Remorse-a sense of feeling sorry or regretful over a situation or cicumstance.

Inhabitant-People who live in a designated place.

Words I didn't know
Ravenous-violently hungry

Tarry-to remain in the same place.

Smug- self satisfied or extremely complacent.

He suffered a huge setback because he had lost his job.

Anonymous said...

words I do not know

words I know

inhabitant:dwell in;occupy(a region,town,house etc,).

numb:deprived of feeling or the power of motion.

Sandra B said...

Words I know
ravenous: starved

remorse: guilt

Words I don't know too well

refute: to prove

tarry: dawdle

inhabitant: resident

The inhabitants of the house were evicted yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Words I already know
Numb - unfeeling
Remore - guilt
Ravenous - starved

Words I do not know too well
Synopsis - outline, brief summary
Tarry - dawdle
Refute - to prove incorrect

Pacify - to make peaceful or calm; soothe
The speaker tried to pacify the crowd.

Leonie Florestal

Julissa said...

Thanks a lot I will start to come more I like this alot I just go my Blogger Today!

Word I don't know

Pacify:To make peaceful or calm;soothe

Julissa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

words I already know



Words I dont know too well

Synopsis-outline, brief summary

Ravenous- starved

Word I would use in my writing and speaking


The convicted man showed no remorse in court.

Anonymous said...

Words I already know:

numb - unfeeling
setback - failure
synopsis - outline, brief summary

Words I did not know too well:

smug - conceited
refute - to prove incorrect
remorse - guilt

One word I could use the most in writing and speaking is:

synopsis - outline, brief summary


I drafted a synopsis of a story I read about Martin Luther King.

Karla Banton

Anonymous said...

She suffered a big setback when she lost her business.

The man who, refused to invest, was full of remorse when he learn that he could have won big.

All that walking in the cold,left him feeling numb.


Anonymous said...


Pacify : to make peaceful or calm; refute to prove incorrect.

After the storm last night, the time remained calm.

Anonymous said...

Words I know:


Words I don't know:

Synopsis- outline, brief summary

Word I use often


I get so ravenous just before lunchtime.


Anonymous said...


Words I knew

remorse - guilt
numb - unfeeling
inhabittant - resident

Words I don't know

refute - to prove incorrect
snug - conceited
synopsis - outline brief summary

A sysnopsis was give of the murder of the four year old Floridian girl.

Anonymous said...

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