Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Vocabulary - Use It Or Lose It (Part 24)

Our April exploration of vocabulary (at least for this word list) is quickly coming to an end. Look at this next set of words.

revocationcancellation; withdrawal
scanto look closely but quickly
stranda beach; to abandon; thread
strifefighting; struggle
topplefall down
acutewith a sharp point; keen and alert
blusterrant, talk in a threatening way
bungleblunder; work clumsily
durationthe length of time that something lasts
eeriecausing fear; frightening
fraya brawl, noisy quarrel, unravel
headstrongwillful; stubborn

Which 2-3 words did you already know or have you seen before in writing? Post those words and their definitions. Which 2-3 words were you least familiar with? Post those words with their definitions. Then try using each of those words in a correctly written sentence to show that you now know the word!


Anonymous said...


Strife: Fighting; Struggle

Sentence: Mary ann is very headstrong.

Sheila W.

Tierra Madison said...

Words I learned:

revocation- cancelation, withdrawal
eerie-causing fear; frightening

Sentence: I am calling to makea revocation.

Sentence: This whole thing with the murders makes me eerie at night.

Anonymous said...

fidelity = lotalty
headstrong = willful, stubborn
duration= the length of time that something last
revocation cancellation

Anonymous said...

The words I know:
acute:with a sharp point; keen and alert
headstrong:willful; stubborn

The words I don't know:

strife: The workers and the employer have a big strife because the workers' health benefit have been cut down a lot.

acute: My right big toe has an acute pain for a whole week.

suetto chan

Anonymous said...

These are the words I knew:
topple-fall down
scan-to look closely but quickly

The words I didn't know:
fray-a brawl, noisy quarrel, unravel
bungle blunder; work clumsily.

Abbey P.

Anonymous said...

Words familiar with.

Scan - to look closely but quickly

Fidelity - loyalty

Your fidelity is very important to me in this matter.

Before my time was up on the exam I scan through my work.

Words not familiar with.

Revocation - Cancellation, withdrawal

Fray - a brawl, noisy quarrel, unravel

Our accommodations were revocation because of the hurricane threat to the island.

Some of my co-workers are very fray.


Anonymous said...


Fray:A brawl,noisy quarrel,unravel


Sentence:When ever Carol comes over the house she always,get fray.

Dorothea Maxwell

Sandra B said...

Words I know

Scan: to look closely but quickly

Topple: fall down

Commentary: explantation

Words I learnt

Revocation: cancellation; withdraw

Bluster: rant, talk in a threatening way

Fray: a brawl, noisy quarrel, unravel

The angry lady blustered at the store clerk.

The lawyer argued for a revocation of his clients' sentence.

The police broke up a fray between two gangs.

Anonymous said...

Words I already know or have seen before:

scan - to look closely but quickly

duration - the length of time that something lasts.

topple - fall down.

Words I was least familiar with:

eerie - causing fear

blusterrant - talk in a frightening way.

fraya brawl - noisy quarrel.

The night was so dark it gave us an eerie feeling.

My father spoke in a blusterrant voice to my litle brother.

My neighbors had a fraya brawl.

Karla Banton

Anonymous said...

Scan-to look closely but quickly
Headstrong-willful; stubborn.

I like to scan my email everyday for important emaiils.

I am headstrong when I am right.

bungle-blunder;work clumsily

I had a revocate my savings acount due to no money.

I almost bungled at work today.
