Sunday, November 16, 2008

Irregular Verbs

Yesterday's blog post dealt with regular verbs. Today, we're going to switch gears and go over irregular verbs.

Recall that regular verbs are formed by just taking the present tense verb and adding "-ed" to the end. An example of that would be the verb "yell." The past tense, because it's a regular verb, would be "yelled."

An irregular verb, however, does not follow that "nice" rule about adding "-ed" to the end for the past tense. Irregular verbs have a completely different word used.

Let's look at some examples.

Present tense: run
Past tense: ran

Present tense: shake
Past tense: shook

Present tense: shine
Past tense: shone

For a list of some irregular verbs, visit and

Check out those sites, pick 1 irregular verb, come back here, and post the following things: the present tense form, the irregular past tense form, and then use that past tense form in a correctly written sentence.

I'll start!

Present tense: awake
Past tense: awoke
Sentence: Last week, I awoke to the sound of a honking horn.

Now you try!


Anonymous said...

Present tense : bring
Past tense : brought
Sentence : I brought a present to take to the party.

Michele T.

Anonymous said...

Correction for sentence :
Sentence : I brought a present to the party.

Michele T.

Anonymous said...

Present tense: catch
Past tense:caught
Sentence: Yesterday Robert caught a big fish at the lake.

Dorothea M

Anonymous said...

Yesterday, I met my friend Louiza.

Anonymous said...

Present tense: Become
Past tense: Became
Sentence: I became the class vice president last week Wednesday.

Aneilia Persad

Anonymous said...

Present tense: eat. Past tense: ate: Sentence: He ate his lunch. Verna B.

Anonymous said...

Present tense: find. Past tense found. Sentence: I found a book. Verna B.

Anonymous said...

Present tence: become

Past tense: became

Sentence: Nicolette and I became good friends over the summer holidays.

Sheila W.

Anonymous said...

wear - wore - worn

I wore the same dress for the wedding as I did wear for his work dinner party.

Maria Rodriguez - Trelles

Anonymous said...

Present tense: teach
Past tense: taught
Sentence: I saw my teacher who taught me in high school.


Anonymous said...

Present tense: choose
Past tense: chose
Sentence: He chose not to have his picture taken.

Leonie F.