Friday, November 14, 2008

Test Your Skills - Subject-Verb Agreement

The last blog post challenged you to test your skills when it came to capitalization and punctuation. This entry is going to ask you to test your subject-verb agreement skills. As you know from previous blog posts, having sentences with correct subject-verb agreement is essential for good writing!

So stretch those brains and have some fun! After completing the Quia game, come back here and write a few sentences to tell how you did!

Quia game link:


Anonymous said...

The quia game is fun, it also make you think.

Once I red the instructions it made it easier for me to understand.

I received all the quia game.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

THE quia game was fun I got 11 out of 15.

I think once you practice you will get better at doing sentences.

Sheila W.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the quia game and found if more stimulating to do it quickly. That way I had to think faster.

Michele T.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the Quia game regarding Basic Subject - Verb Agreement. I read the sentences thoroughly before choosing my answers. There were fifteen questions and I got all fifteen correct.

Thank you,

Anonymous said...

Subject-verb agreement comes fairly easily to me. I enjoy the Quia quizzes and I scored fifteen out of fifteen.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the quia game I got 13 out of 15.

Dorothea M

Anonymous said...

The first time I tried it, I missed one. The second time I tried it, I was able to get all the answers correct. It was fun.

Maria Rodriguez - Trelles