Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Word of the Day Websites

If you do a Google search for "Word of the Day," you'll get a ton of matches. There are so many resources out on the web for you to expand your vocabulary. Some of them even let you sign up so you get each word of the day emailed right to you! Here are 4 sites where you can see the word of the day and then sign up if you're interested in getting on their email list.

Visit one or more of those sites, come back here, and tell us what was your favorite word of the day that you saw! (Don't forget to include that word's definition so we can all learn together!) Also, if you added yourself to any of those word of the day email lists, let me know!



Anonymous said...

I did some research on "Netiquette" and found out that we should not use all capital letters in e-mails and we also should not overuse the punctuation marks as this is considered shouting at the

Anonymous said...

October 13,2002
To praise,glorify,or honor.

A cultures worship twins as a divine gift; for instance,the voodoo practitioners of West Africa and Haiti exalt twins as supernatural beings with a single soul,who are to be revered and feared.---Lawrence Wright.

Allison Matthew said...

In netiquette you learn that smileys indicate tone of voice but must not be used often.

Anonymous said...

The day of the day is circa which mean ;approximately
My son is sometimes circa when he can not have his way.tiffanyf

Anonymous said...

The world of the day was "mot juste" that means a word or phrase that exactly fits the case.


Adriana Wagner

Anonymous said...

I visited and my favorite word is olfactory - pronounced(ol-fak-tuh-ree). It is an adjective which means having to do with smell. I did not add myself to any of the word of the day e-mail lists.

Anonymous said...


In skateboarding,snowboarding etc: designating any of various spinning manoeuvres,typically involving a 180 degree turn.

Michele T.

Anonymous said...

I checked out three of the sites. I found the least interesting.

I enjoyed It was easy to read and interesting. The word of the day was: cabotage meaning trade or transport in coastal waters. includes quotes with the word of the day. It also has weekly themes. I went to the archives and found a theme for: "words with color as a metaphor."

I signed up for wordsmith and merriam-webster and will compare them for a while.

Anonymous said...

My favorite word of the day is
"Lucullan" it is pronounced as
loo-kuhl-uhn. It is an adjective which means rich; magnificient and luxurious. Here is a sentence with Lucullan.
In many calorie-conscious families,mini-meals have replaced Lucullan feasts.

-Leonie F.

Anonymous said...

The word of the day I choose is:
ineluctable, which means impossible to avoid or inevitable.

Deidra W

Unknown said...

rhopalic-adjective; having each successful word longer by a letter or syllable.